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  1. H

    One time Marijuana/Alcohol Use Security Clearance

    So I've experimented with marijuana once and drank a couple of beers. I don't recall if I disclosed this on my dodmerb form and am going to disclose it for my security clearance. Can I have it disclosed now for dodmerb without penalty?
  2. H

    Appointment Revoked for bad second quarter college grades?

    I received my appointment at West Point midway through my second college quarter and started slacking a bit. Currently in my chem class, I have a B- and a C in my german class. Will I get my appointment revoked?
  3. H

    Allergy Shots while at West Point??

    So I've been receiving allergy shots for pollen/cat/ certain tree allergies for the last couple of months. I started receiving them after my DODMERB physical and none of the allergies were flagged as any concern. I just disclosed the allergy shots to west point. I'm currently receiving them...
  4. H

    Medical DQ

    I received a medical DQ for the following codes after submitting my information on my sinus surgery. The surgery removed the nasal polyps and I don't have chronic sinusitis anymore. It says under waiver review. I was just wondering what the likelihood of getting a waiver is. D124.00...
  5. H

    Forgot to tell DODMERB about surgeries.... now accepted to West Point

    I did not tell DODMERB I had surgery to get my deviated septum fixed and wisdom teeth removed. I just received an appointment to West Point should I inform DODMERB about this now? Or is this not a big deal?