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  1. W

    Does anyone have a DD-214 from a Service Academy? Wondering why we aren't given one if the time is considered AD for UCMJ, DVA, and GS purposes

    I'm just going through this now with the HR Department I'm onboarding with; I cross commissioned into the Navy after West Point so my DD-214 doesn't show the West Point time since the admin folk were really only concerned with USNA time and it wasn't a hill I was going to die on, as I was on my...
  2. W

    Principal Nom. denied appointment USMA. Help

    Mayhem, from what I've seen of you here and from my experiences at West Point, the close friends I have there, the coaches and professors I've met with that work there, you wouldn't survive at the Academy. Sure, you're all ripped and ready to go and kick ass and be there now, but during Beast...