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  1. G

    TWIC Help

    Has anyone applying for their TWIC encountered the following message when selecting employed and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy as employer? Current Employer Name must include at least one alphabetic character and any of the following characters (0-9, '` ~!@#$%^&*)(\-_+=/,)
  2. G

    Sea Life & Pay Myths

  3. G

    Sea Life & Pay Myths

    Thank you for your response. You are a wealth of knowledge! What did you do in your off time after your contract was up? Did you work anywhere else or just take time off?
  4. G

    Cool Jobs outta KP

    What steps are needed for me to become one too?
  5. G

    Sea Life & Pay Myths

    FYI I accepted an appointment to KP Class of 2028
  6. G

    Sea Life & Pay Myths

    BTW. I accepted an appointment to KP Class of 2028! Really considered CGA and even have a brother there but believe Merchant is the right choice for me.
  7. G

    Sea Life & Pay Myths

    Does leaving it on the books mean deferring when you receive your vacation pay to a later date? I assume that you don't loose it but rather you get it later on. Is that right?
  8. G

    Sea Life & Pay Myths

    Thank you for the reply. It looks like KP has the most options. Can you comment on how most contracts work? If the contract is for example 90 days, do you also get 90 days off? is it paid 90 days off at same or different rate? Can you take on other contracts during the off time to earn more...
  9. G

    Sea Life & Pay Myths

    I have heard a lot about how great the Mariner life is and you can really make good money. I also hear a lot of talk about working 6mo out of the year. This all sounds too good to be true. I would appreciate to hear from an actual KP Grad that has chosen the merchant life. As a 3rd...