army rotc

  1. M

    AROTC Gear

    Hey yall I just started as an MS1 this year and am about to be issued OCP's, I was recommended by some MSIII's and IIII's to buy my own boots and to get gloves. I got the Oakley SI Light Assult Boots 2, and Mechanix gloves. Is there any other gear I should invest in?
  2. A

    Post medical qualification- next steps?

    Hi, my DD was awarded a 4-year Army ROTC scholarship. She has received medical qualification from DODMERB. We’re wondering if anyone can give some guidance on next steps. We’ve reached out to the school ROTC recruiting office and are not receiving a response. She is also no longer able to log...
  3. M

    I need info/help with ROTC and the process

    Hi everyone, I'm currently a senior in high school and looking to do Army ROTC in college. I met with my local army recruiter and he said there are two ways to get the scholarship, SMP and Minuteman, I'm still pretty confused about what both are. I've been trying to look for information but I am...
  4. U

    Swayed to Reconsider Medication - Went to ER

    My doctor suggested that I start medication a few weeks ago. I talked about this with all my cadre and they gave me a list of repercussions that made me reconsider and decide not to take medicine. This weekend though I ended up in the ER for a day… they asked me questions and then released me...
  5. M

    Help with ROTC, applying, and SMP.

    Hello im new to this website. However iv come to ask for help on the Army ROTC applying process. Im 17 years old, Junior in Highschool. With 0 support from my parents on joining Army ROTC with the goal to commission, im turning to yall for help. 1- I want to know more on how applying to Army...
  6. S

    College Applicant Questions !

    Good evening SA Forums, I have a few questions that need answers and just observations and advice of what to do! I put them in bullet points so that they are easier to answer. If you do not know, I am considering applying to USNA in college. I am high school senior who is nowhere near a...
  7. G

    UC Santa Cruz not Accredited Engineering Program

    Hello, I am a student that has gotten the Army ROTC 4-Year Scholarship for Santa Clara University. When I was selecting schools, UC Santa Cruz, the college I wanted to attend, was not an option, so I chose Santa Clara as that's the host university for Santa Cruz. I have been accepted into UC...
  8. A

    Chances of AROTC scholarship without activities?

    Hey all, Honestly, I have been worried sick/stressed after not getting the scholarship in January, and I want to know y'all's honest opinions on whether you think I have a good chance of getting either a 3-year or a 4-year, and why. I was offered an ECP after the Jan board, but that's not...
  9. C

    Project GO or Sapper School

    Would like advice or thoughts on whether one should do Project GO study abroad year 2 or 3 or Sapper School, airborne, air assault. What is more beneficial for my career? All thoughts welcome
  10. M

    Army ROTC Medical Determination for Anxiety

    I am an MSIV who was supposed to be an end of camp commission. In April I was diagnosed with anxiety and put on an anti-depressant. I am not able to go to camp because of the 90 days from camp medication rule. My medical determination was just submitted what is likely to be the outcome of it?
  11. FØB Zero

    Active Duty VS Reserves after graduation

    Hi! I’m an MS1 ROTC cadet who is contracted with a 4 year scholarship. I have looked into the differences between AD vs Reserves a little bit but would love to have y’all’s input and help explaining it a bit more. 1. What does being in the reserves look like right after commissioning? Like do...
  12. W

    Ranger Challenge--Worth it in the Long Run?

    Hey, everyone, MS1 Army ROTC cadet here. Just wanted to ask if Ranger Challenge is worth it in the long run. I did it this past year, and thought it was extremely overhyped and frankly not that hard. Certainly not worth taking almost a full week off of school. I go to a school with a very small...
  13. M

    ROTC monthly stipends w/o scholarship

    Hello all, My son has applied for an Army ROTC scholarship, which we are very hopeful that he will receive. I am curious... if he does not receive a scholarship, will he still qualify for monthly stipends if he participates in ROTC? Additionally, what is the breakdown for monthly stipends for...
  14. S

    Peanut Allergy Waiver Denied - What Next?

    Hi y'all I'm currently a second year (MS2) non-contracted cadet in Army ROTC. Been going through the DoDMERB process for just over a year now to contract and receive a scholarship. I was disqualified for a couple of medical conditions, all of which were waiverable except for a peanut allergy. I...
  15. L

    DODMERB Asthma Questions

    Hello, I was recently notified that I earned a four year AROTC scholarship to the college that I am heading to next fall and I am currently in the process of filling out the DODMERB questionnaire. That's all well and good, but I'm concerned about my history regarding asthma. I had what doctors...
  16. J

    AROTC Contracting Timeline

    I am currently a freshman in college who won a 3-year national scholarship for Army ROTC, I have enjoyed my first year in the program and want to stick with it. That being said, I am still not contracted and I might not be able to contract for some time now because I just got some medical...
  17. P

    Can you differ a Army ROTC National scholarship for a year?

    I’m currently a freshman who received a three year national army rotc scholarship. At the school I currently attend, Covid has shut down and canceled many training and learning exercises for ROTC. I feel that I’m waisting some of earned scholarship learning nothing and not being able to...
  18. M

    Army PFT and ROTC Eligibility

    Hello, I took the PFT last week and scored 14 pushups, 27 sit-ups, and the run time was between 8:30-9 min. I'm aware my pushups could've been way better, I fractured my forearm two years ago and it didn't heal correctly which strains my arm during pushups. I'm still actively working on doing...
  19. E

    AROTC PFA Scores

    Should I retake the PFA? Scores: Push ups: 58 Curl ups: 67 Mile run: 7:02 Thank you
  20. E

    Army Curl-Ups Confusion

    Hello, I am finishing up my AROTC Scholarship application but was confused when I got to the PFA portion. In one link, it says to have your hands over your head with fingers locked when doing the curl ups. In another link, it says you should have your arms across your chest, like the USMA CFA...