
  1. T

    Did I make a mistake? (Dodmerb)

    Hello, I currently have my LOA to USMA and am waiting on medical results. However, the only thing that is bugging me is the fact that I said yes to having braces because although I do not have braces anymore, I feel as though my answer could be misconstrued as me currently having braces...
  2. FØB Zero

    Braces in AROTC?

    Hi, I will be doing AROTC (on 4 yr scholarship) in the fall. I plan to get braces and was wondering if and when I would be able to… I would have them only for about 12 months, but don’t want to held back from training and summer opportunities. Opinions??
  3. J

    Retainers on I-Day

    Hello, I’ll be starting Plebe Summer on Thursday with the class of 2022 and had a question specifically regarding dental retainers. I got a permanent metal wire retainer put in behind my bottom front teeth after my braces were removed and I have a clear plastic retainer for the top teeth that I...