I would like to inquire about the status of my candidate fitness assessment scores for my application. Given that I have the opportunity to retake the assessment, I am seeking guidance on whether it would be advisable to submit my current scores or if it would be beneficial to retake the test. I...
I have my official CFA on Monday and I am a little worried. Over winter break I caught a really bad flu and it took me out for almost 3 weeks which means I did next to nothing for physical fitness. I took a practice CFA and I was wondering if I scored the same would this be considered passing...
I received my LoA to USMA about two months ago. As usual, the first paragraph included a notice that it would expire on a pre-determined date if I hadn't completed my file by then. I completed all remaining items, except for the CFA, which I had to postpone due to an injury. I missed the...
After 2 months with no scheduled PT I took the PFT again, or atleast the JROTC version, which is watered down and consists of 1 minute of pushups, 1 minutes of Situps, and a 1 -mile run. My scores were as follows-
Mile Run: 6:52
A little 52 heavy, isn't it?
Hello good people of this board, I just had my last training session before taking the Candidate Fitness Assessment this Tuesday and I'm pretty disheartened. I am very far below average in half the events, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail.
I'm an 18 year old male and the farthest I've ever...
I was told that I would be contacted to for the DoDMERB. I'm told that I qualified, but it's been months and no contact. I've tried to reach out by email and phone, no response. Any advice?
Per the advice of many on this forum, I have continued to work at my application in hopes of somehow eventually getting a nomination.
Anyways, here are my CFA scores (male):
Basketball throw: 63 ft
Pull ups: 8
Shuttle run: 10.3
Modified sit ups: 61
Push ups: 52
Mile run: 7:55
Obviously lots...
I am a female, and I just took the CFA for the first time today.
My scores are as follows:
B-ball throw: 42 feet
Flexed arm hang: 32 seconds
Shuttle run: 10.9 seconds
Sit-ups: 54
Push ups: 36
Mile run: 8:31
I did plug my numbers into the online calculator, and it said that I passed...