
  1. Long-Shot

    CFA rejected. Where should I improve most?

    Hello all. I am a 17 year old male and I've taken my CFA twice, rejected both times. This recent one was rejected even after I improved quite a bit from my original. Does anyone know where I need to improve most? Scores (this is the second score, my most recent one) B-Ball Throw: 42-43 ft...
  2. J

    CFA Scores Pass or Fail?

    Hey guys, I just took the fitness test today, and these are my scores (I am a male) : 58ft basketball (I have no idea what happened, I never practiced it properly) 14 pullups 8.66 shuttle 64 situps 41 pushups 7:30 mile I compared these to the averages on the West Point website and the only...
  3. N

    Acceptable CFA Score?

    Hey y'all - I just took my CFA, and am very anxious about whether or not I passed (mostly my mile time). I am a male. I'll post my scores below, and if anyone has access to the score calculator or any personal experience with their scores I would greatly appreciate it: 62.3 foot basketball...
  4. A

    CFA Score

    Hello, I am wondering if y’all think I will pass my CFA with these scores. I understand it is impossible to know, but I received a LOA to West Point and the last thing I am waiting on is a pass or fail for my CFA. Based on general knowledge of what scores pass, do I have any reason to worry? My...
  5. N

    Acceptable CFA Score

    Hey all - I have been training for the CFA for a few months now, and just took my final practice test before the actual administration next week. These are my scores, and I was wondering if you guys think they would be accepted or not (I am a male): Pullups: 9 Basketball Throw: 68 Shuttle run...
  6. A

    Failed First CFA- Offered Retake, Now What?

    Hello. The title says it all. I took the CFA today and failed it, I assume, because they sent me an email saying they want me to retake it in 30 days. I’m not sure what to do, because they don’t give minimums. My run was bad, but all my other scores were decent, or so I thought. Do they offer...
  7. G

    CFA Scores

    Hi everyone, Yesterday I did a practice CFA, and I got the following scores: BB Throw: 70' Pull-ups: 15 Shuttle Run: 8.51 Sit-ups: 90 Push-Ups: 62 Mile: 6:47 I'm taking my real CFA tomorrow and I'm wondering, if I get those scores again, should I submit them? Does my performance on sit-ups...
  8. B

    Question about CFA

    I know that the CFA is a pass/fail basis, but I don't have a varsity sport so I may have to get a higher score than just passing to show USMA I have the physical capabilities. I know that playing a varsity sport is a huge part of the application because it shows teamwork, dedication and...
  9. LoonWatch2027

    CFA On Application

    Hello, I hope you all are well. I recently took the CFA at the Naval Academy Summer Seminar and had my scores sent over to USAFA and confirmed by my USAFA councilor that they had received them. I am almost done filling out my application but I am stuck on the CFA section. It is asking for...
  10. B

    Any workout routines for CFA?

    Hello, is there any routine that anyone followed a comprehensive routine program for CFA for basketball throw, shuttle run, pull up, pushup, situp and 1 mile run? I want to develop a weekly workout schedule structured around the CFA. Tips appreciated.
  11. B

    How to improve my mile time?

    Hello, I'm a sophomore and the biggest part of the Application Process that I have trouble with is the mile run for the CFA. My current best mile is a 8:37, I'm aware that the average is about 6:30 and the max 5:20. Is it possible to shave off almost two minute off of my mile to hit the average...
  12. D

    Summer seminar / CFA

    Does anyone know if the Air Force Academy offers attendees of Summer Seminar an opportunity to take the CFA ? Thanks
  13. blueskies18


    I'm currently in grade 11, and have been working on my CFA that I will probably take later this summer. The only issue is I am really struggling with the pull-ups and can't even do one. Since I am a woman I can do the flexed arm hang, but I'm not amazing at that either. Does anyone have any...
  14. S

    CFA Video

    Hi everyone, I have almost all my application completed for west point. the only thing I have left is the cfa video. We forgot to record when I took my cfa test. My question is whether or not I have to hit the same numbers I did for my last cfa(15/16 pull ups and 57 push up) for the video. Am...
  15. S

    CFA Failure

    What are the passing standards for the CFA? I sent in the following scores and the CFA was rejected for low scores. I am a male BB: 65 ft Pull-up: 8 Shuttle: 9.1 Push up: 38 Sit up: 53 Mile: 8:03
  16. S

    Passing CFA Scores?

    Just wanted to throw my scores up on here and see what y'all thought. This is the last part of my application for USMA. I already have a principal nomination and am medically qualified. Please give any advice on what I should focus on if I need to re-take. BB Throw: 62 Pull-ups: 9 Shuttle Run...
  17. F

    CFA - Passed but will it ding my application?

    Hello! I am at the end of my application, with all checkmarks checked off, medically qualified, and CFA says "qualified." I have heard here that CFA is pass/fail with very poor passing scores getting a little "ding" and very great scores getting a little bump. I also heard that they will look...
  18. S

    CFA Scores

    I have my CFA tomorrow and I want to know if these scores would be considered passing. BB throw: 65’ Pull-ups: 7 Shuttle run: 10.3 sec Sit-ups: 50 Push ups: 45 One-mile run: 8:25 NOTE: I have never done the CFA before, or have practiced under testing conditions.
  19. Ant345

    CFA Are these passing scores?

    Are these passing scores? BB Throw 74ft Pull-Ups 6 Shuttle Run 8.6 Sit Ups 83 Push-Ups 39 (I did 42 but at least 37/38 are done with perfect form) One mile run 6:29 BTW Happy Christmas to everyone 😁🎄
  20. B

    CFA Scores???

    I'm very disappointed in my CFA scores Bball throw: 56ft (female) FAH: 9 seconds Shuttle run: 10.2 seconds Sit-ups: 59 Pushups: 25 (I think it's more but my administrator didn't count out loud) Mile: 6:35