college credit

  1. T

    Reapplicant: Take Plebe Courses Even If I Can Test Out?

    The most common advice I see on these forums is to take Plebe Year Courses if you are a college re-applicant, but here's the question: I have already taken Calculus 1 and English 1 & 2. Do I take them again to prove to the Academy that I can do well? Haven't I already proven I can do well by...
  2. K

    AFROTC and Gap Year

    Hey folks! I'm moving from Long Beach, CA to San Diego, CA for college and I'm planning on joining the AFROTC Detachment down there. Since I'm moving right out of high school and due to my situation I'm on my own -- I decided it would be wisest to wait a year between moving and starting AFROTC...
  3. G

    Dual Enrollment Credit Issue

    Hey everyone! I was just recently applying for the ROTC scholarship when I ran into a bit of an issue when the website asked for my Dual Enrollment credit hours. Some background: I've taken a bunch of college classes throughout my high school years and got a lot of credit; some from Florida...
  4. S

    College Applicant with a Complex Situation (i.e. Scoliosis, glasses, bad grades)

    Hello service academy forums, my situation is complex. I am an 18 year old, female senior, in high school and I discovered the service academies in March of my junior year (2022). I had no idea what they were and had never heard of them. After doing some intense research into them, I knew this...
  5. L

    USNA Course Validation Policy

    Good morning all, I was wondering how USNA's course validation policy works? If I have already completed a year of college and plan on attending USNA, can my college credits for Calculus I, Calculus II, Chemistry carry over? If so, what does this mean for my plebe year academic plan? Will I...