dual citizen

  1. W

    Dual Citizenship

    I am a US dual citizen (Canada) with both my parents being Canadian. I received an appointment to USMA and was wondering if I would have to give up my citizenship before R-Day (which I don't mind doing). Also will it be a problem for my parents to get access or the 4-year pass (they don't have...
  2. P

    Dual Citizenship – NROTC vs USNA (Oct ‘23)

    Here is information that may be useful to people to whom this information applies, as well as questions at the end for those who may be able to help provide further clarification (perhaps someone such as the Commanding Officer(s) of one or more NROTC units). I have tried to read every thread on...
  3. E

    Korean Dual Citizen

    Hello, I just recently got my appointment to USAFA! The one thing that is holding me back right now is my dual citizenship. As a dual citizen of Korea and the US, I need to serve in the Korean military to maintain my dual citizenship as they have a mandatory conscription. Is there any way that I...