
  1. C

    Do I have any chance for NAPS?

    I have already applied to the Naval Academy, but haven't seen much information on the typical grades/scores/activities which are helpful to getting accepted for the prep school. ACT: 24 SAT: 1060 (490 math, 570 verbal) GPA: 3.5862 unweighted, 4.51 weighted AP Classes: Physics 1: Algebra...
  2. T

    Unusual news & maybe NAPS.... trying to sort this out...!!?

    STATUS: DS has his "Plan B" in place (hooray!) and he received a Nomination (from our district MOC) 2 weeks ago to USMMA (his 2nd choice), but no Nom to USNA. Both US Senators in Texas turned him down. DS was happy about USMMA, but very disappointed about USNA. BACKGROUND: Prior to interview...
  3. E

    Nuke to Navy

    Going to try to kill two birds with one thread post: what does a former enlisted get paid at naps and then the academy? Also, if I have a few months until going to naps how should I be preparing? More details: I graduated nuclear power school finding out the last week I had been offered an...