
  1. S

    Scared that my answer was wrong

    Hello everyone, I am from Mongolia. Last Thursday I went in for the Service Academy nomination interview. All in all, I think the interview went well. I drew from my past experience as an enlisted soldier and answered all of the questions fairly well. However, since going into the interview, I...
  2. S

    VP Nomination Application Confirmation?

    Hello, Yesterday I submitted my application for the Vice Presidential Nomination and never got a confirmation email of any sort. I got a little pop up that said "thank you for submitting" and it just refreshed the page. Since every other nomination source has sent out a confirmation email I...
  3. B

    Nomination Received?

    Hello all, This evening I visited the USAFA application homepage and I was surprised to find that the portal listed my nomination as "received". This was puzzling since all of my congressional boards had told me they would not be notifying until late December regarding their decisions. I did...