
  1. C

    PFE Inquiries

    Hi all, I attended the 2024 AIM Week/Session 3. I had been preparing for the PFE and took the PFE at AIM. Here were my scores: - 25 cadence pushups - 93 situps - 11:37 1.5 mile run total points: 245 I scored a total of 245. The admissions team had told the AIMsters that a score of above a 200...
  2. C


    Hi all, I’ll be attending AIM session/week 3 this Sunday and was wondering if anyone had any useful tips or words of advice before I leave. All 2024 Session 3 AIMsters feel free to respond to this post! Any parents or previous AIMsters or current cadets would be of so much help. Is there...
  3. F

    PFE Question?

    I was wondering if admissions looks at how you do in each individual element or do they only care about the total score. Also, I was wondering what is a good score to aim for to be competitive. I understand that a 200 is required to be commissioned but is there a cut-off for applicants? Thanks!
  4. H

    What is considered an adequate score for the PFE?

    I'm a senior in high school (18F) and am in the process of applying to the USCGA, all I have left is to get my letters of recommendation in and submit my PFE scores. I am planning on applying for regular admissions to give myself more time to improve my test scores over the next few months. My...
  5. K

    PFE/Early Application Questions

    I am currently completing my early action USCGA application. I took the PFE today, and I think that I scored a 200. Should I retest again before October 15th? Also, can I submit better scores after that date? Will the following help to make up for my somewhat low PFE score? I have a 1500 SAT...
  6. A

    AIM 2019 Week 3 - What to Expect?

    Hello Everyone, Thank you for all the forum supporters - these threads are very helpful. My son is attending the AIM week 3 starting this Sunday. He is all excited! Would like to know some details on PFE and in general. Thank you, everyone, in advance for reading and responding PFE How...
  7. E

    PFE Submission Dates

    Hello, I wanted to ask when the PFE examiner must submit the PFE results by in order to be considered for the Early Action admissions process. I know that all of the recommendations do not need to be in when the application is submitted, but what about the PFE? Thank you
  8. E

    PFE/Reccomendation Question

    General Question- Does the individual who administers an applicant's PFE also write a personal reccomendation, or do they just report the results ?