I have recently received an LOA for USMA not too long ago, but still, something troubles me. So for context, I only have my statements, nomination, medical qualification, and CFA scores left on my application for me to input. The only part that I am slightly worried about is the CFA. I...
Hi, I am taking my fitness test for NROTC scholarship tomorrow and am concerned I have the wrong form. When on the website the fitness test instructions state I run a 1.5 mi. But the score sheet only has slot for 1mi. Am I looking at the right thing? Idk if it’s the correct sheet and which is...
For the AROTC fitness test for the 4-year scholarship, thé applicant must complete 1min of pushups, 1min of sit-ups, then a 1mile run.
I (Female) just practiced and got 25 pushups and 27 sit-ups, I haven’t done the run yet but expect around 8 minutes. Does anyone know if this is a good score or...
I got
54 pushups
47 curl ups
7:30 mile time
As a male should I take it again? I completed this test within the much more difficult service academy CFA, so I was a little tired out and my scores aren't as good as they could be, but I don't want to take it again if it's not worth it.
My SAT is...