Hey I'm in high school and want to choose a jet pilot as a career path in the military, and I'm not sure whether to choose AFROTC or NROTC in college.If I want to get a pilot slot will it be more likely in the Air Force or the navy/Marines. Since I heard that the Air Force is getting more drone...
With a few weeks still left before C/O 22 starts BCT, I was wondering if anyone has advice/an opinion on the pros and cons of coming into USAFA with a bit of flight training under someone's belt. Whether it is coming in with a PPL, sports license, or just a few flight hours to build a better...
I'm appointed to the class of 22 and there is not too long before the new class gets to I day. After looking at what opportunities I might want to take advantage of at USAFA, I think I want to try to become a soaring IP. I understand there are a few hard reqs. (Taking basic soaring during 3rd...
I recently heard there is a pilot test all applicants take and was wondering if there is a specific name for it? Also, if there is a test, when is it administered? Thank you in advance.
Just learned from my 2019 Mid that ASTB (Aviation Selection Test Battery) score minimums have been increased for Pilot and NFO hopefuls. This is causing some 2019'ers to retake the exam before service selection in a few months in order to meet the new minimums. Semper Gumby...
Good evening everyone,
I am trying to get either OTS slot in USAF or OCS in navy. I want to be a pilot and since getting a slot is extremely competitive, I am trying my luck for both branches
- 23 years old, 5'9 height
- Bachelors in Health Sciences with two minors ( Math, Arabic)
- Top of...
Since decision day is right around the corner, I am seeking advice for a very important decision. I am seeking input from experienced people as to which school would be better for me: USNA or AFROTC at MIT. Let me start by describing my situation, career goals, and potential options.
Is there anyway to check if I am potential pilot qualified on the DoDMERB site or USAFA/AFROTC sites?
There are some other threads about this, and they say that if your status is "commission qualified" you are NOT PPQ. But they are a few years old, and things may have changed.
Hello, my name is Gage Nawrocki; I just created this account to begin my research before applying. I am planning to enroll in OCS for the Navy, I am currently pursuing my B.A.S. in business management. I know I am getting ready to get ragged on for not obtaining a technical degree, business is...
Long time listener, first time posting....
I am in sort of a dilemma... I received notification today that I received the NROTC 4 year scholarship to my first choice college. This came after I found out last week I received the AROTC 4 year to my dream school.
I am not sure what to choose. I...
I am a junior in high school in Massachusetts and I have been looking into Naval Aviation (pilot), wether fixed-wing or rotor, and I am just curious as to how tough it is to get a commission into aviation? I am not interested in USMC aviation and am open to AF aviation (through afrotc)...
Hello all,
I am currently a college senior looking to become a pilot in the USAF after graduation. I am pretty far along in the application process but was wondering if someone could help answer some questions about what is going to happen next. Also if anyone has recently been through this...
I am an AFROTC AS200 cadet. It seems that everyone is asking this question these days, but what do you think my chances of getting a pilot slot are? I have not gone to field training yet and I have 19 flight hours. Here are my scores:
Major: Non-Tech
GPA: 3.39
AFOQT Pilot: 97
Nav: 61...
Hi, I am a third year cadet looking to get a pilot slot this spring. I need a height waiver but my cadre won't give me a definite answer on what needs to be done to get one and I worry that I am going to run out of time to accomplish the tasks it will take to get one.
My standing height is 61"...
First off, if there is already a thread about this please feel free to redirect me, I wasn't able to find one after a quick search.
Anyway, I'm a female cadet at USAFA and have been thinking a lot about my future career. I would really love to fly, possibly fighters. I was hoping for some...
I'm new to this forum, and I haven't found a question for my unique interests, so I am posting my personal situation seeking advice.
Long story short, I'm a college sophomore who has developed a newfound interest in serving. I have some pilot cousins, a few ancestors who served in the...
If a person passes AFROTC, but fails pilot training what happens?
Does he still have to give ten years active duty, or is it shortened to four in his new job? Because I'm going to give it my all to be a pilot but just in case, I don't want to spend ten years at a desk job.
My whole life I have wanted to be in the Marine Corp. I found out years ago (I just turned 15) that the way I wanted to accomplish this was the USNA. More specifically, I want to be a Helicopter Pilot. Lately I have been doing a lot of research about if having your license before you apply to an...
I am an AS100 cadet and also an Electrical Engineering major. I have heard that the Air Force considers EE to be one of the "critical" majors and caps the number of "critical" majors that can go rated some years. Is there any truth to this?