
  1. T

    How much sleep does an average USNA mid get?

    Pretty much as the title says. Also, does your sleep schedule change over the weekends or summer training?
  2. T

    How much sleep does an average West Point cadet get?

    Pretty much as the title says. Also, does your sleep schedule change over the weekends or summer training?
  3. T

    How much sleep does an average SMC cadet get?

    Specifically VMI and Citadel, but I'm also curious about the other four too. Also, does your sleep schedule change over the weekends or summer training?
  4. N

    Sleep Deprivation at USNA

    I recently went on a candidate visit weekend to USNA and noticed that many midshipmen are sleep deprived. Through all the classes I attended there always seemed to be a few midshipmen dozing off and some that were completely passed out. I found out that 4th class mids get the most sleep...