summer seminar usna

  1. S

    For the upcoming USNA summer seminar session(the one from June 8th to June 13th), is the one piece swimsuit necessary or nah

    i.e is my slight panic about this justified or can i just show up with swim shorts and shirt
  2. J

    USNA Summer Seminar "Remarks" Section

    I am almost done with my submission for my Summer Seminar application for the Naval Academy. But there is one big thing left that is optional, and that is the "Remarks" section. It states, "REMARKS: Optional. Enter any additional comments here". I asked my counselor, and he said that it can...
  3. J

    USNA Summer Seminar

    I have most of my application for the Summer Seminar finished, i'm going to get my text entry revised and check up on and then I will send it. But because the application is rolling admissions, could I potentially be a little too late?? It opened for application on Jan 4, but closes on Apr 15...
  4. G

    Waitlisted for USNA summer seminar - still fill out preliminary application?

    Hi, My daughter got waitlisted for the USNA summer seminar. Does she still need to fill out a preliminary application? She hasn't received any follow up emails on next steps in application process or a candidate number. Thank you!
  5. M

    Summer Seminar Decision?

    I have yet to receive my Naval Academy Summer Seminar decision. It says on the site that all applicants will be notified by April 16th, but I have yet to receive either an acception or rejection into the program. Is there someone I can contact and ask about my applications status?
  6. S

    How does NASS help your Naval Academy Application

    I recently attended NASS (Naval Academy Summer Seminar), and I was wondering if that helps improve your chances of getting into the academy considering there is a evaluation added to your profile by your squad leader?
  7. G0navybeat@rmy

    Summer Seminar

    I'm a current junior in high school and my dream is to go to USNA but I'm not sure of my chances for when I apply. I applied to Summer STEM two times and got turned down both times so I'm unsure of my chances. Here's a quick resume: I have participated in 5 sports: football, track, cross...
  8. D

    NASS Pictures?

    Hello! I attended Summer Seminar Session 2, and I was wondering if there was any way for us to see the pictures that they took. My detailer only sent us a few pictures, but I saw other detailers taking many more. I have seen picture on the slideshow they played during the closing and the...
  9. U

    USNA Summer Seminar

    So I recently got accepted into the USNA summer seminar!!! I applied to West Point and Air Force as well but haven't heard from either of those yet. When I originally submitted my applications I most wanted to go to the Air Force seminar but I decided my acceptance to navy was too good of an...
  10. G

    Summer Seminar Arrival times

    Does anyone know when arrival times typically are for the Summer Seminar? The first session says it starts on June 2 which is also an SAT day. I may or may not need to take the SAT again then, depending on how things go, but I may need to take subject tests then for my backup college plans...
  11. G

    Summer Seminar/Pre-Candidate opt

    I am a junior and will be taking the SAT in March, but I have 700 Reading/730 Math on my PSAT. Should I opt NOT to have my SS application be the pre-candidate application since I do not have SAT's yet? There is no SAT in January, so March is the next time they are offered. Thanks so much.
  12. USNAismyplace

    NASS Application Issue

    Good Evening SAF, I have completed my NASS application (after writing the personal statements ahead of time, I definitely did not rush this), and I hit submit. Then, my screen froze and the application did not appear to go through. I then resubmitted the application, and received an error...
  13. G

    USNA Summer Seminar 2017

    Hey! I will be attending the first session of summer seminar and I had two questions I was hoping could be answered: Do we need to have a physical sign!ed by our physician? I couldn't find anything that said we did but it just seems odd to me that we don't need one. When will we know what...