My DS recently was awarded the 4 year NROTC scholarship and was granted admission to TAMU at Blinn, More specifically he will be dually enrolled at TAMU and Blinn as part of the TEAB program. Is anyone a former student of this program, or have a current student in this program? We feel...
My DS is an ANG member in the Split Ops program, he completed BCT this past summer. My DS has completed his application with the exception of his Commanders Assessment. We are hoping his assessment is completed by the 31st. When my DS enlisted in March they told him he could apply to USMA...
Hi All
I was wondering if anyone could speak to the individual personalities and focuses of the NROTC outfits at TAMU. I have read the descriptions on the website, but I was looking for personal testimony, the kinds of real life experiences that wouldn't be on the website. I am doing a SNWC with...
Whoop, the new CO is a TAMU '96 grad! Thanks and gig 'em!
I was just awarded an Army scholarship to TAMU and I have no real idea of what life is like in the Corps of Cadets. I have a few questions: Is it a full time commitment where you wear the uniform everywhere and everyday? Is their time for other things such as fraternities and intermurals? Can...