Hi there! I am a prospective candidate for USNA Class of '25. I have begun to write my personal statement but I'm very stumped on how to answer the second part of the personal statement which is as follows...
(2) Describe a personal experience you have had which you feel has contributed to your...
Hello everyone.
I am applying to USNA for the class of 2023, and I am looking for some advice on the question stated above and below:
Have you ever experienced any exceptional adversity that we should know about?
What does the Naval Academy consider "exceptional adversity?"
Hello, I am an applicant to USAFA and USNA. I think I have finished my USNA personal statement and wanted some feedback on it. I know it's good to have family and friends read essays because they'll know if it sounds like you or not. I've already had everyone I know read it, but I'd like...