100 Nights for USAFA Firsties!!!!!!!

Isn't the entire reason for celebrating 100's night sort of moot now since the firsties already knew their base assignments well in advance.
My DD has posted photos of 100s Night with stein in hand. I thought it was this Friday night -- but it must have happened last night.
Isn't the entire reason for celebrating 100's night sort of moot now since the firsties already knew their base assignments well in advance.

Not for the 4 digs! :smile:
Our cadet returned after 3 days of skiing to find his dorm converted to a beach scene (he spent last semester on exchange at the Spain Air Force Academy which was located right on the Mediterranean). He said thank goodness the freshman could not find any sand! He had brown yarn all over his floor instead. The "beach" came equipped with bikini-clad babes (Barbie dolls!).