1st Board waiver AROTC turnaround time


5-Year Member
Apr 2, 2019
DS is DQ’d (USAFA) and is board ready for AROTC. IF he gets a scholarship during this board, anyone know if the turnaround time might be somewhat quicker given that it’s a smaller pool and earlier in the game? All his docs are loaded up in DoDMERB and just awaiting the request to be reviewed. Would love it if he could apply ED by Nov 15 but fear that’s a pipe dream.
For you and those considering Early Decision, recommend you confirm the exact ED deadline for each school - it varies - some are 11/1, others 11/15 etc. :wiggle:

For the timing of hearing from the 1st AROTC board - It's possible. Here is a thread for when 1st board results were visible to some candidates from last year. https://www.serviceacademyforums.co...d-colorado-school-of-mines.64063/#post-631770

You also may wish to check out the previous post I've just copied/ pasted directly from whom I will now fondly/ respectfully refer to as two of the Lords of the Board - @clarksonarmy and @kinnem


"The board usually takes about a week to do their work. They just score files. That score is used to create an order of merit list and that order of merit list is used by Cadet Command to make offers. That process usually takes a couple weeks. If you are boarded by the first board expect to see first round offers coming out by mid November."

Good luck.
Also should consider how much time teachers/counselors need to get their recs in. At DS’s high school teachers need everything to them by 10-7 for a Nov 1 ED1 deadline.
+1 to Herman_Snerd. Assuming your DS is waiting on a waiver for USAFA he should not apply ED. My question is did you mean AROTC of AFROTC. (I'm worried there is a typo). If he is giving up on the academy and applying AROTC (which is what you stated and I assume to be the case since there are issues with Air Force) then waiting to get board results is the thing to do. Of course if you can afford the school without the scholarship I suppose one might take their chances, but that was beyond my pocketbook when we went through this.
+1 to Herman_Snerd. Assuming your DS is waiting on a waiver for USAFA he should not apply ED. My question is did you mean AROTC of AFROTC. (I'm worried there is a typo). If he is giving up on the academy and applying AROTC (which is what you stated and I assume to be the case since there are issues with Air Force) then waiting to get board results is the thing to do. Of course if you can afford the school without the scholarship I suppose one might take their chances, but that was beyond my pocketbook when we went through this.
Yep, I meant AROTC. If he knew he had an ROTC scholarship and got a waiver, he’d pull his SA apps. So, is the WA less burdened after the 1st Boards? Perhaps I need to move this over to DoDMERB?
With respect to ROTC, the DoDMERB process doesn't normally kick off until after a scholarship has been awarded. Any required waiver would not get addressed by the waiver authority (AROTC in this case) until then and would probably take some time. Of course any DQ requiring a waiver for USAFA may not be a DQ for USMA. You would have a better feel for that as we don't know (and don't need to know) the disqualifying condition
So if a student gets an AROTC scholarship, early on, say the first or second board - will the waiver process start and be finished right away (i.e. if late fall announced then waiver given/denied in winter) or is it not until summer or even Fall of the freshman school year? In other words how late could the waiver results be known for AROTC if successful on first or second board? My son is board ready for AROTC and lacking one more document for NROTC - had a good interview today for NROTC. Will be a definite DQ.
With respect to ROTC, the DoDMERB process doesn't normally kick off until after a scholarship has been awarded. Any required waiver would not get addressed by the waiver authority (AROTC in this case) until then and would probably take some time. Of course any DQ requiring a waiver for USAFA may not be a DQ for USMA. You would have a better feel for that as we don't know (and don't need to know) the disqualifying condition
Ok, got it. I was thinking the DQ would be applied to both. Now we wait....
So if a student gets an AROTC scholarship, early on, say the first or second board - will the waiver process start and be finished right away (i.e. if late fall announced then waiver given/denied in winter) or is it not until summer or even Fall of the freshman school year? In other words how late could the waiver results be known for AROTC if successful on first or second board? My son is board ready for AROTC and lacking one more document for NROTC - had a good interview today for NROTC. Will be a definite DQ.
No way to know. Each case is different. It could be as late as the start of college or sometimes even later. Or it could be jut a few weeks. As my sainted mother-in-law used to say "It's all accordin'..."

Of course the earlier one get's awarded a scholarship, the sooner the whole process can start, and typically the sooner it can finish. It's one reason why getting an application done early is a good thing, as long as it's the best application you can submit.