2024 USMMA Appointment DIY Thread

1) gjayp / DS / 19-Nov-19 / ACCEPTED/ OK / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA
2) @FForlines / DS / 25-Nov-19 / Undecided / GA / Senatorial / Direct Appointment
3) RowingMom / DS / 03-Dec-19 / ACCEPTED / FL / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
4) KPC2024 / Self / 06-Dec-19 / ACCEPTED / MI / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
5) lacrosse1786 / Self / 18-Dec-19 / ACCEPTED / NJ / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
6) Quemados / DS / 16-Dec-19 / ACCEPTED / CA / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA
7) VB2 / DD / 21-Dec-19 / Will Accept / IL / Congressional, Senatorial (x2) / Direct Appointment / LOA
8) llsims / DD / 21-Dec-19 / Will Decline / OH / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment (chose USCGA)
9) HCopter / DD / 23-Dec-19 / Declined / TX / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA (chose USAFA)
10) STF16 / DS / 02-Jan-20 / Declined / KS / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA (chose USAFA)
11) DAB42 / DS / 21-Jan-20 / Declined / VA / Congressional / Direct Appointment (chose NROTC)
12) JustAMon2024 / DS / 17-Jan-20 / Will Decline / AR / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA (chose USNA)
13) Clementine / Self / 22-Jan-20 / Will Decline / OK / Senatorial / Direct Appointment (chose USNA)
14) @hopefulmom182 / DS / 24-Jan-20 / Undecided / CO / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment
15) Hopeful_Dad / DS / 24-Jan-20 / Will Decline / CA / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment (chose USNA)
16) Joseph97Pio / DS / 29-Jan-20 / ACCEPTED / TX / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment
17) NCParent2024 / DS / 29-Jan-20 / ACCEPTED / NC / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment
18) campcmom / DS / 06-Feb-20 / Will Decline / NC / Congressional / Direct Appointment (chose USAFA)
19) jbs123 / DS / 30-Jan-20 / ACCEPTED / MA / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment
20) TLINAU2230 / Self / 13-Feb-20 / Will Decline / VA / Superintendent? / Direct Appointment (chose USAFA)
21) heatherg21 / DS / 14-Feb-20 / Declined / AZ / Congressional / Direct Appointment (chose USNA)
22) DRMbig2024 / DS / 12-Feb-20 / ACCEPTED / PA / Congressional / Direct Appointment
23) MCIA2020 / Self / 12-Feb-20 / Declined / MA / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA (chose USMA)
24) Icebox / Self / 29-Jan-20 / ACCEPTED / NY / Congressional / Direct Appointment
25) WPH&D9224 / DS / 21-Feb-20 / Will Decline / KS / Congressional / Direct Appointment (chose USMA Appt)
26) Hopefulinca /DS / 27-Feb-20/ ACCEPTED / CA / congressional/ Direct appointment
27) AnotherRound / DS / 27-Feb-20 / ACCEPTED / PA / Congressional / Congressional / Direct appointment
28) FroggyHopper227 / Self / 21-Feb-20 / Will Accept / NY / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA
29) Statdaddy505 / DS / 27-Feb-20 / Will Decline / GA / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA (chose USAFA)
30) Dcm73101d / Self / 27-Feb-20 / Will Accept / NY / Congressional / College Reapplicant / No LOA
31) Ollie2024 / Self / 27-Feb-20 / Will Decline / MD / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA (chose USNA)
32) Poirot74 / Self / 27-Feb-20 / ACCEPTED / SC / Congressional / First time college applicant / No LOA
33) bwelch1 / DS / 21-Feb-20 / ACCEPTED / AR / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA (considering NAPS Appt)
34) HelpMeFly / Self / 3-Mar-20 / Will Decline / GA / Congressional / Direct Appointment (chose USNA)
35) Mooselover20# / Self / 11-Mar-20 / ACCEPTED / VA/Direct Appointment / Congressional & Senatorial Call
36) LumpyClan / DS / 11-Mar-20 / Will Accept / MD / Congressional / Prep-School Reapplicant
37) LumpyClan / DS / 11-Mar-20 / Will Accept / MD / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
38) hschlagel / DS / 12-Mar-20 / ACCEPTED / MI / Congressional
39) JoeAmerican0921 / Self / 13-Mar-20 / ACCEPTED / CO / Senatorial / Prep-School Reapplicant / No LOA
40) AD2023 / Self / 18-Mar-20 / Will Accept / PA / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA
41) Aztec Tiger / DS / 18-Mar-20 / Declined / NM / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / No LOA (chose USNA)
42) @candidate3256 / Self / 02-Mar-20 / Undecided / IL / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA
43) KP89 / DS / 19-Mar-20 / ACCEPTED / PA / Senatorial/ Prep-School Reapplicant
44) Jw68 / DS / 20Dec19/ ACCEPTED / MD/ Congressional / LOA
45) LacrosseDad / DS / 20-Jan-20 / Declined / FL / Congressional/Direct Appointment (chose AROTC)
46) tsurbm77/DS/ 20-MAR-20 / WILL ACCEPT / AL / CONGRESSIONAL / LOA
47) bob'sburgers /DS/ 27-FEB-20 / ACCEPTED / AL/ Congressional / Direct Appointment/ LOA
48) CalifStrongDad / DS / 25-Mar-20 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional / College Reapplicant / No LOA
49) ChaggyC17/DD/20 MAR 20 / ACCEPTED / DE / Senatorial & Congressional / Direct Appointment
50) USEYTsailor /Self / 27 Mar 20/ ACCEPTED / WI / Congressional / Direct Appointment
51) 1998ford / Self / 31 MAR 20 / ACCEPTED / NJ / Congressional / Direct Appointment
52) Tmngrace/DS/01 Apr 20/ Will Accept / SC / Senatorial & Congressional/ LOA
53) teamplumb/ DS/ 17 MAR 20/ ACCEPTED/ RI / Senatorial & Congressional / Direct Appointment
54) NorCal Parent 2024 / DS / 02 Apr 20 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional / LOA
55) EAL / DS / 02 Apr 20 / ACCEPTED / NY / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / No LOA
56) mike0515 / DS / 06 March 2020 / ACCEPTED / Direct Appointment / NY/ Congressional
57) USAFA_KTP95 / DS / 27 Feb 2020 / ACCEPTED / WA / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA
58) IowaNative / DS / 30-Dec-2019 / ACCEPTED / IA / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA
59) jump4joy / DD / 13-APR-2020 / ACCEPTED / TX / Senatorial & Congressional / LOA
60) kphopeful24 / Self / 13-APR-2020 / ACCEPTED / FL / Senatorial & Congressional / Direct Appointment
61) Barky01 / DS / 15-APR-2020 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional / Direct Appointment
62) Deep South Mom / DD / 15-APR-2020 / ACCEPTED / AL / Senatorial and Congressional / Direct Appointment
63) KB10 / DD / 15-APR-20 / MD / ACCEPTED / Senatorial+Congressional / College ReappIicant
64) @2023MOM / DS / 14-APR-20 / MD/ Undecided / Congressional / Prep School Re-Applicant
65) Texas Family / DD / 13 April 20 / ACCEPTED / TX / Congressional / Prep School Re-Applicant
66) SC2024_Dad / DS / 15-APR-20 / ACCEPTED / SC / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
67) SwimMom24/DD/ 26-FEB-20 / ACCEPTED / WA / Senatorial & Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
68) BradleyD4 / Self / Mar 20 / ACCEPTED / AZ / Congressional / Prep School Re-Applicant
69) ZXVIII/ Self / 17-MAR-20 / ACCEPTED / PA / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA
70) Agarb / DS / 29-APR-20 / Will Accept / OH / Congressional
71) Acta non Verba 2024/ Self/ 20-APR-20/ ACCEPTED/ GA/ Congressional/ Direct Appointment/ LOA
72) BurntENDZ / DS / 30 APR 2020 / ACCEPTED / CO / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA
73) CasadelMar / DS / 30-APR-20 / ACCEPTED / FL / Congressional / Direct Appointment
74) Destinson / DS / 30-APR-20 / ACCEPTED / MD / Congressional / College - Re Applicant
75) @CountyBoy36 / Self / 30-APR-20 / Undecided / ? / ? / ?
76) @kpmom2019 / DD / ? / ? / ? / ?
77) devildolphin24' / DD / 01-MAY-20 / ACCEPTED / NC / Congressional and Senatorial / College-Applicant / No LOA
78) mbm6981/ DS / 02-May-20 / Will Accept / NC / Congressional and Senatorial / Direct Appointment
79) tigerpaw/ DS / 02-May-20 / Will Accept / NC / Congressional / Direct Appointment
80) swimmomma33 /DD / 30-March -20 / ACCEPTED / AZ / Senatorial & Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
81) Spode / DS / 02-May-20 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional / Direct Appointment
82) SAMama/ DS / 06-May-20 / ACCEPTED / VA / Congressional / Direct Appointment
83) aidanjw2001 / Self / 01-April-20 / ACCEPTED / VT / congressional and senatorial / Direct appointment
84) trailblazer18 / Self / 07-May-20 / ACCEPTED / IN / Congressional / Direct Appointment
85) California.applicant.2020 / Self / 08-MAY-20 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA
86) BeauGeste / DS / 7-May-20 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional and senatorial / Direct Appointment/ No LOA
87) JoeNavy89 / Self / 8 May / ACCEPTED / GA / Congressional / Direct Appointment
88) carpelucem / DS / Dec 2019 / ACCEPTED / VA ( overseas) / Senatorial / Direct Appointment
89) SVI2024 / Self / 29-April-20 / ACCEPTED / ID / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / No LOA
90) jw68/ DS2/ 12May20/ ACCEPTED / MD/ Congressional/ Re-applicant- Self Prep (NMMI)
91) @Maverick33334 / Self / ? / Undecided / ? (*NOTE-posted of appointment on SAF, but was deciding between multiple appointments)
92) GAmom2020 / DS / 12-May-20 / ACCEPTED / GA / Congressional and Senatorial (*NOTE-She posted yesterday and then deleted it?)
93) Shiner / DS / 13-May-20 / ACCEPTED / TX / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / No LOA
94) cindijtx / DS / 29-May-20 / ACCEPTED / TX / Congressional and Senatorial / Direct Appointment / No LOA
95) 2024Fighter / DS/ 29-October-20 / DECLINED / OK / Congressional and Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA (Will attend USAFA)
Last edited:
1) gjayp / DS / 19-Nov-19 / ACCEPTED/ OK / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA
2) @FForlines / DS / 25-Nov-19 / Undecided / GA / Senatorial / Direct Appointment
3) RowingMom / DS / 03-Dec-19 / ACCEPTED / FL / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
4) KPC2024 / Self / 06-Dec-19 / ACCEPTED / MI / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
5) lacrosse1786 / Self / 18-Dec-19 / ACCEPTED / NJ / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
6) Quemados / DS / 16-Dec-19 / ACCEPTED / CA / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA
7) VB2 / DD / 21-Dec-19 / Will Accept / IL / Congressional, Senatorial (x2) / Direct Appointment / LOA
8) llsims / DD / 21-Dec-19 / Will Decline / OH / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment (chose USCGA)
9) HCopter / DD / 23-Dec-19 / Declined / TX / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA (chose USAFA)
10) STF16 / DS / 02-Jan-20 / Declined / KS / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA (chose USAFA)
11) DAB42 / DS / 21-Jan-20 / Declined / VA / Congressional / Direct Appointment (chose NROTC)
12) JustAMon2024 / DS / 17-Jan-20 / Will Decline / AR / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA (chose USNA)
13) Clementine / Self / 22-Jan-20 / Will Decline / OK / Senatorial / Direct Appointment (chose USNA)
14) @hopefulmom182 / DS / 24-Jan-20 / Undecided / CO / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment
15) Hopeful_Dad / DS / 24-Jan-20 / Will Decline / CA / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment (chose USNA)
16) Joseph97Pio / DS / 29-Jan-20 / ACCEPTED / TX / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment
17) NCParent2024 / DS / 29-Jan-20 / ACCEPTED / NC / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment
18) campcmom / DS / 06-Feb-20 / Will Decline / NC / Congressional / Direct Appointment (chose USAFA)
19) jbs123 / DS / 30-Jan-20 / ACCEPTED / MA / Congressional, Senatorial / Direct Appointment
20) TLINAU2230 / Self / 13-Feb-20 / Will Decline / VA / Superintendent? / Direct Appointment (chose USAFA)
21) heatherg21 / DS / 14-Feb-20 / Declined / AZ / Congressional / Direct Appointment (chose USNA)
22) DRMbig2024 / DS / 12-Feb-20 / ACCEPTED / PA / Congressional / Direct Appointment
23) MCIA2020 / Self / 12-Feb-20 / Declined / MA / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA (chose USMA)
24) Icebox / Self / 29-Jan-20 / ACCEPTED / NY / Congressional / Direct Appointment
25) WPH&D9224 / DS / 21-Feb-20 / Will Decline / KS / Congressional / Direct Appointment (chose USMA Appt)
26) Hopefulinca /DS / 27-Feb-20/ ACCEPTED / CA / congressional/ Direct appointment
27) AnotherRound / DS / 27-Feb-20 / ACCEPTED / PA / Congressional / Congressional / Direct appointment
28) FroggyHopper227 / Self / 21-Feb-20 / Will Accept / NY / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA
29) Statdaddy505 / DS / 27-Feb-20 / Will Decline / GA / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA (chose USAFA)
30) Dcm73101d / Self / 27-Feb-20 / Will Accept / NY / Congressional / College Reapplicant / No LOA
31) Ollie2024 / Self / 27-Feb-20 / Will Decline / MD / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA (chose USNA)
32) Poirot74 / Self / 27-Feb-20 / ACCEPTED / SC / Congressional / First time college applicant / No LOA
33) bwelch1 / DS / 21-Feb-20 / ACCEPTED / AR / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA (considering NAPS Appt)
34) HelpMeFly / Self / 3-Mar-20 / Will Decline / GA / Congressional / Direct Appointment (chose USNA)
35) Mooselover20# / Self / 11-Mar-20 / ACCEPTED / VA/Direct Appointment / Congressional & Senatorial Call
36) LumpyClan / DS / 11-Mar-20 / Will Accept / MD / Congressional / Prep-School Reapplicant
37) LumpyClan / DS / 11-Mar-20 / Will Accept / MD / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
38) hschlagel / DS / 12-Mar-20 / ACCEPTED / MI / Congressional
39) JoeAmerican0921 / Self / 13-Mar-20 / ACCEPTED / CO / Senatorial / Prep-School Reapplicant / No LOA
40) AD2023 / Self / 18-Mar-20 / Will Accept / PA / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA
41) Aztec Tiger / DS / 18-Mar-20 / Declined / NM / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / No LOA (chose USNA)
42) @candidate3256 / Self / 02-Mar-20 / Undecided / IL / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA
43) KP89 / DS / 19-Mar-20 / ACCEPTED / PA / Senatorial/ Prep-School Reapplicant
44) Jw68 / DS / 20Dec19/ ACCEPTED / MD/ Congressional / LOA
45) LacrosseDad / DS / 20-Jan-20 / Declined / FL / Congressional/Direct Appointment (chose AROTC)
46) tsurbm77/DS/ 20-MAR-20 / WILL ACCEPT / AL / CONGRESSIONAL / LOA
47) bob'sburgers /DS/ 27-FEB-20 / ACCEPTED / AL/ Congressional / Direct Appointment/ LOA
48) CalifStrongDad / DS / 25-Mar-20 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional / College Reapplicant / No LOA
49) ChaggyC17/DD/20 MAR 20 / ACCEPTED / DE / Senatorial & Congressional / Direct Appointment
50) USEYTsailor /Self / 27 Mar 20/ ACCEPTED / WI / Congressional / Direct Appointment
51) 1998ford / Self / 31 MAR 20 / ACCEPTED / NJ / Congressional / Direct Appointment
52) Tmngrace/DS/01 Apr 20/ Will Accept / SC / Senatorial & Congressional/ LOA
53) teamplumb/ DS/ 17 MAR 20/ ACCEPTED/ RI / Senatorial & Congressional / Direct Appointment
54) NorCal Parent 2024 / DS / 02 Apr 20 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional / LOA
55) EAL / DS / 02 Apr 20 / ACCEPTED / NY / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / No LOA
56) mike0515 / DS / 06 March 2020 / ACCEPTED / Direct Appointment / NY/ Congressional
57) USAFA_KTP95 / DS / 27 Feb 2020 / ACCEPTED / WA / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA
58) IowaNative / DS / 30-Dec-2019 / ACCEPTED / IA / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA
59) jump4joy / DD / 13-APR-2020 / ACCEPTED / TX / Senatorial & Congressional / LOA
60) kphopeful24 / Self / 13-APR-2020 / ACCEPTED / FL / Senatorial & Congressional / Direct Appointment
61) Barky01 / DS / 15-APR-2020 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional / Direct Appointment
62) Deep South Mom / DD / 15-APR-2020 / ACCEPTED / AL / Senatorial and Congressional / Direct Appointment
63) KB10 / DD / 15-APR-20 / MD / ACCEPTED / Senatorial+Congressional / College ReappIicant
64) @2023MOM / DS / 14-APR-20 / MD/ Undecided / Congressional / Prep School Re-Applicant
65) Texas Family / DD / 13 April 20 / ACCEPTED / TX / Congressional / Prep School Re-Applicant
66) SC2024_Dad / DS / 15-APR-20 / ACCEPTED / SC / Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
67) SwimMom24/DD/ 26-FEB-20 / ACCEPTED / WA / Senatorial & Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
68) BradleyD4 / Self / Mar 20 / ACCEPTED / AZ / Congressional / Prep School Re-Applicant
69) ZXVIII/ Self / 17-MAR-20 / ACCEPTED / PA / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA
70) Agarb / DS / 29-APR-20 / Will Accept / OH / Congressional
71) Acta non Verba 2024/ Self/ 20-APR-20/ ACCEPTED/ GA/ Congressional/ Direct Appointment/ LOA
72) BurntENDZ / DS / 30 APR 2020 / ACCEPTED / CO / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA
73) CasadelMar / DS / 30-APR-20 / ACCEPTED / FL / Congressional / Direct Appointment
74) Destinson / DS / 30-APR-20 / ACCEPTED / MD / Congressional / College - Re Applicant
75) @CountyBoy36 / Self / 30-APR-20 / Undecided / ? / ? / ?
76) @kpmom2019 / DD / ? / ? / ? / ?
77) devildolphin24' / DD / 01-MAY-20 / ACCEPTED / NC / Congressional and Senatorial / College-Applicant / No LOA
78) mbm6981/ DS / 02-May-20 / Will Accept / NC / Congressional and Senatorial / Direct Appointment
79) tigerpaw/ DS / 02-May-20 / Will Accept / NC / Congressional / Direct Appointment
80) swimmomma33 /DD / 30-March -20 / ACCEPTED / AZ / Senatorial & Congressional / Direct Appointment / LOA
81) Spode / DS / 02-May-20 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional / Direct Appointment
82) SAMama/ DS / 06-May-20 / ACCEPTED / VA / Congressional / Direct Appointment
83) aidanjw2001 / Self / 01-April-20 / ACCEPTED / VT / congressional and senatorial / Direct appointment
84) trailblazer18 / Self / 07-May-20 / ACCEPTED / IN / Congressional / Direct Appointment
85) California.applicant.2020 / Self / 08-MAY-20 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional / Direct Appointment / No LOA
86) BeauGeste / DS / 7-May-20 / ACCEPTED / CA / Congressional and senatorial / Direct Appointment/ No LOA
87) JoeNavy89 / Self / 8 May / ACCEPTED / GA / Congressional / Direct Appointment
88) carpelucem / DS / Dec 2019 / ACCEPTED / VA ( overseas) / Senatorial / Direct Appointment
89) SVI2024 / Self / 29-April-20 / ACCEPTED / ID / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / No LOA
90) jw68/ DS2/ 12May20/ ACCEPTED / MD/ Congressional/ Re-applicant- Self Prep (NMMI)
91) @Maverick33334 / Self / ? / Undecided / ? (*NOTE-posted of appointment on SAF, but was deciding between multiple appointments)
92) GAmom2020 / DS / 12-May-20 / ACCEPTED / GA / Congressional and Senatorial (*NOTE-She posted yesterday and then deleted it?)
93) Shiner / DS / 13-May-20 / ACCEPTED / TX / Senatorial / Direct Appointment / No LOA
94) cindijtx / DS / 29-May-20 / ACCEPTED / TX / Congressional and Senatorial / Direct Appointment / No LOA
95) 2024Fighter / DS/ 29-October-20 / DECLINED / OK / Congressional and Senatorial / Direct Appointment / LOA (Will attend USAFA)
96) Beanboy / Self / 29-May-20 / ACCEPTED / VA / Congressional / Direct Appointment

Welcome aboard @BeanBoy! ⚓
#64 accepted but has since been in an accident last week. He may have an injury that will change his medical status. He is at the doctors now..... what a traumatic turn of events.
#64 accepted but has since been in an accident last week. He may have an injury that will change his medical status. He is at the doctors now..... what a traumatic turn of events.
Oh my mom heart is with you and sending you a virtual hug. Your son has that it factor the academy is looking for, that is why they chose him. I will keep you and he in my thoughts as you navigate this.
If you can get a letter from your son's doctor saying that a full recovery is expected, that will help. I really would expect a medical setback to be granted. Hang in there.
If you can get a letter from your son's doctor saying that a full recovery is expected, that will help. I really would expect a medical setback to be granted. Hang in there.

someone told me a medical setback is only if you stepped foot on campus, and that I would have been better off sending him and having them turn him around.

I’m a little worried about dealing with Watson, the whole thing is making me very nervous
You might try reaching out to Mr. Mullen at DoDMERB who often can circumvent red tape in situations like this.
I saw on the Facebook page today a picture of a male, knee to toes walking cast and the OP was his mom. She stated it was official that he is out for this year and doesn’t have an answer yet as to whether he can be setback or if he has to reapply.

Such a heartbreaking turn of events! I can’t imagine their pain and disappointment 😓
Do we have an update yet?! AH I'm so nervous about your son!
I’m sorry guys. It’s been an interesting ride. He did the right thing by letting everyone know as soon as he knew he wouldn’t be able to make it.
I was the mom on the Facebook page, and I’m heartbroken. There is no med-setback to be had. Only if he had made it to campus. If he had shown up with his cast, he would not have been being honest. He did the right thing letting them know.

He is working on recovery, getting a job, signing up for classes, and beginning some training as soon as he is up to it.
He will be back and better than ever. Just trying to make sure he doesn’t start getting a “defeated”
Thanks for the support and thoughts. It has been a whirlwind of emotions, and we are all finally coming to terms with it. Everything happens for a reason.
So sorry to hear about your news. Lots of character building going on for your DS. We don't always understand why these things happen, but be assured that another door will open when the time is right. Best wishes to your DS and whole family.
2023Mom, will he reapply for next year? I'm so sorry. He did do the right thing but I know it stinks.