Alright, so I will answer all the question in this singular post.
1. About when did you find out you had an offer from NWP?
I heard about my Falcon Foundation Scholarship around late March when appointments started to come out.
2. What made you pick NWP as a FFS?
I chose NWP because I heard it was great compared to the others. NWP is more college-prep whereas the others were all high-schools plus it did allow me to take college second semester which I am doing right now to build on some critical foundations that I lost during COVID due to being online. Most Falcons choose NWP and the high altitude makes it great for training.
3. a) What was a day like at NWP?
Weekdays: Wake up early and prepare for a morning inspections. After breakfast there is a vocab test and right after you go to two classes. Lunch follows afterwards with two more classes and PT. After that it was dinner followed by two hours of study hall followed by an hour between study hall and bedtime in which you could shower, workout, hangout with friends, study, or just relax. Some days you will do an hours of work crew helping keep the campus clean and Friday nights had only an hour of study hall so you could relax for longer.
Weekends: Lots of free time but a lot is used for completing homework or studying or working out. If you plan out the day wisely you can enjoy the rest to relax and have fun.
3. b) How different was the application process for USAFA?
It was a lot shorter, no essays, and quick and easy to do. If a Falcon see's this, wait till you get to NWP to finish and submit. Do not submit it before hand.