Hello all. After a great deal of time looking into it, I'm deciding to forfeit competing in my spring sport, lacrosse, to minimize injuries. My wrestling season ends in one month, and then after that I'll be on my own to train. I'll have the ability to join a gym if I'd like, I'll do whatever I need to and is recommended. So, I'll have roughly 4 months to train for the Academy and I'd like to be well above average PT arriving at USMA, would rather be a "PT Stud" type. I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation of a program or for developing for a 4 month training program to arrive ready to go? Whether it'd be lifting, generic training, rucking, cardio program, swimming, anything. I've heard the name Stew Smith on here a lot, but don't know if that'd be for this scenario so would like some guidance on where to look for my situation (and that very well may be the place, I'm just not that knowledgeable in this area). I'm in halfway decent shape but not great by any means. Thank you for your time and responses. Have a nice day.