ADD Disqualification?

As an academy grad with ADD (I still call it that because I was diagnosed before they added the H... and I'm not hyperactive), you CAN get in and graduate. That said, as others have said, you need to be off of medication for a year, and you need to take tests without any special considerations (such as extra time, taking the test alone, etc.).

Now ADD is a disqualifier, but you can receive a waiver for it. So, when you apply and you get that first DODMERB letter saying "You've been disqualified for...." just understand that it can be waived. There was nothing harder during the application process than receiving a letter and having no idea what it meant. I was sure, on multiple occasions that my hopes were dashed.

Another thing.... you're ADD for a reason, and off of meds you may realize how distracted you can get. I did well in high school, went off meds with enough time and, while I did find it more difficult, I did well.... although I also suffered from senioritis. I still had trouble focusing at CGA and as an officer. That just something you have to deal with, and I'm sure you already know that, but it becomes more obvious when you move from meds to no meds.

You can do it. Many ADD or ADHD folks before you have and many others will after you, so don't get worried.

I can't speak to the eye sight stuff.I just got glasses.... had no idea what I had been missing. Went from 20/15 at commissiong to 20/40 and 20/25.... wowzaaa. Everything is so clear now! I still wish I had a pair of BCGs (I assume other academies call them BCGs too).
Thanks for the positive and uplifting attitude! I talked to a DODMERB rep yesterday and she said that she wasnt sure when my 12 months would have started or what it is relative to (I assume it is relative to 12 months before taking the DODMERB exam), but she said that though it will be hard, unless waiting too late to get off the meds has already occured, i can most likely get it waived with a little bit of persistence!
The number one thing you can do now, for yourself, is don't let up in school, and do really well in your classes and on your tests. Show them you can succeed.

Good luck!
Thank you! I am definitely not giving up! Going to USNA is the biggest goal of my life! If i dont get in this year, I will reapply as many times as it takes to make it!
I'm going to weigh in here as I'm an ALO and go to USAFA and meet with DODMERB folks occasionally as well (I am NOT a medical officer)...all this being said, here's how I would view it if I were in USAFA/RRS and DODMERB:

"Like I have already said, I dont need the medication, but I still have a prescription, so we figured I might as well take them. You do not need to have ADD for Adderall to work. It will help anyone, with or without conditions, concentrate better."

As our "Super Moderator" (a WELL earned title) Stealth81 commented, this statement tells me that you're willing to take a prescription drug "just anytime you think you need it's boost, not because you "really need it" but just as an aid/crutch. By my view that would be using a prescription drug recreationally and NOT as prescribed by a physician. If your answer is "Oh, I have a prescription for it" then you just acknowledged to me that YOU NEED IT TO FUNCTION. And that is a DQ, pure and simple.

My humble advice, from 21 years as an ALO and 32 years in AF service is to meet with your physician and either have him/her say categorically that you need the medication or you are OFF it and to destroy the prescription and NEVER take it again. Then after 12 months there is NO question you don't need it.

Just my 75 cents worth.

Already have an appointment with my doctor to get the prescription destroyed. She has already said that she will do this for me. Thanks!