My son and I are getting very anxious about his application status and wondering what is going on. He is checking his email every hour for the past couple of months. Last document was submitted July 08, nomination received July 19 for "children of deceased or disabled veterans." CFA was taken at NASS with very competitive results. Medical was cleared on Sep 26. His SAT is good (760 math and 700 englishl), GPA 3.65 unweighted with AP and honors classes. Lettered in 3 sports his junior year, football, wrestling and track. Member of the symphonic and jazz bands. Wrestling captain last year and will be this year as well. Just wonder why we had to rush so much to submit all the documents and it has been over 3 months now since all the documents were submitted, but medical. Is it ok to contact the admission consular, and if yes, what to ask? please give us some words of wisdom. Thanks!