AFROTC- AFSC's released soon?

I just got picked up for RPA on the supplemental rated boards 2 weeks ago. Originally I had it ranked "low preference", but my commander switched it to "high preference" thinking that I wanted any rated position.

When non-rated AFSC's come out, will I get something? I kind of want to pick between the two, but wasn't sure if I'm locked into RPA or not. My Det Commander is TDY for the next week so I don't have the chance to ask him.
You will, then you "decide" which one you want.
Just wanting clarification. I have always been under the assumption that if you do not take that rated assignment than you will lose the option to apply for UPT later on.
~ IE you take the non-rated assignment over the RPA because you want to be a pilot or a CSO. That means once in, you can't reapply for UPT. Whereas, the RPA option allows you to apply later on for UPT.

Has it changed that now if you turn down a rated slot you are allowed later on to apply for rated? If it has not, think long and hard about turning down that RPA slot if your dream is to fly.
Just wanting clarification. I have always been under the assumption that if you do not take that rated assignment than you will lose the option to apply for UPT later on.
~ IE you take the non-rated assignment over the RPA because you want to be a pilot or a CSO. That means once in, you can't reapply for UPT. Whereas, the RPA option allows you to apply later on for UPT.

Has it changed that now if you turn down a rated slot you are allowed later on to apply for rated? If it has not, think long and hard about turning down that RPA slot if your dream is to

I believe that you are correct. I think that I saw somewhere that if you give up any rated slot that you lose that rated slot.
Just wanting clarification. I have always been under the assumption that if you do not take that rated assignment than you will lose the option to apply for UPT later on.
~ IE you take the non-rated assignment over the RPA because you want to be a pilot or a CSO. That means once in, you can't reapply for UPT. Whereas, the RPA option allows you to apply later on for UPT.

Has it changed that now if you turn down a rated slot you are allowed later on to apply for rated? If it has not, think long and hard about turning down that RPA slot if your dream is to fly.
Yeeeeaah if you go RPA there is close to 0% chance you'll be able to go to UPT later on. They're hurting for people so from what my cadre said so they're not letting anyone go. I thought you couldn't even turn down an RPA slot as a cadet.
Just wanting clarification. I have always been under the assumption that if you do not take that rated assignment than you will lose the option to apply for UPT later on.
~ IE you take the non-rated assignment over the RPA because you want to be a pilot or a CSO. That means once in, you can't reapply for UPT. Whereas, the RPA option allows you to apply later on for UPT.

Has it changed that now if you turn down a rated slot you are allowed later on to apply for rated? If it has not, think long and hard about turning down that RPA slot if your dream is to fly.

That's what I've heard - but I'm wondering how that could be possible.

My Det Commander said the only things that carry over from your ROTC file to your active duty career are: if you graduated as a Distinguished Graduate, or if you qualified as Marksman during FT.

So, my question would they know you turned down a rated slot if you decide to apply for it later on?
I don't know the answer, but my assumption would be that it is part of your permanent record showing you turned down the RPA slot as a cadet and took a non-rated slot.
~ I believe they also flat out ask if you try to go rated ADAF if you ever applied for a rated slot before, and I believe they include as a ROTC cadet.

I know our friends DS was offered CSO when he applied for OCS. He only wanted pilot. He was flat out told if he turned down the CSO he would not be eligible to reapply for rated OCS on the next board, and never could in the future apply for any rated position if he turned it down.

I know they are hurting. They are pulling from UPT for the next year, plus I know they are pulling pilots from the heavy world after their 1st assignment.
Our DS said that instead of a 4 year assignment, they are dropping assignments at the 2 1/2 yr marker, making it a 3 yr tour.
~ This impo is going to come back and bite them. IE for my DS if that happens, by the time they send him he would have 4 in and 5 remaining. Assuming an RPA is 3 yrs. That means he could do 1 tour and leave to fly for the airlines and never have to be concerned with being sent back to the RPAs which he never signed up for when he went through the rated board.

Big Blue has tried everything to stop the bleeding in the RPA world, but nothing is working. I believe I read that they are losing over 300 per year and can only get @250 through the course at the same time, hence why they are now dropping out of UPT too.
Our Cadre said "AFSCs will most likely not be on Monday and will probably be on Thursday or Friday. There was a computer glitch and that'll delay it a few days". Whatever that means.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...
Our Cadre said "AFSCs will most likely not be on Monday and will probably be on Thursday or Friday. There was a computer glitch and that'll delay it a few days". Whatever that means.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...

We can't get mad at the messenger..

As I progress through my ROTC career and hopefully AD career... The phrase "hurry up and wait" just gets truer and truer.
We were talking about the rumor of Nov. 2 and our cadre overhead and said they were told to expect it "before Thanksgiving" but not likely Monday
Our cadre has been holding the policy of "Don't ask us about AFSC's, we don't know when and we'll tell you as soon as we get them." Which is helpful to keep me from getting my hopes up too soon, haha.
Got word from my cadre today, AFSC's will be released before 13 November 2015. Reason being is that the Gold Bar recruiter packets must be completed and sent by this date, and to complete the Gold Bar packet, you must list the AFSC you were given.

Hope this helps!
Not sure on that-- ARMS msg for the gold bar app I have is due NLT 4 Dec. Doesn't really make sense AFSC wise with having to be put in by 13 Nov.