I'll try to make this short and sweet! I'm currently an AS200 enduring my FTP smester here at Embry Riddle. This is the semester where I compete for a rated enrollment allocation, to go to field training this summer. Currently I'm in the process of getting my DoDMERB sorted out and I found out today that I got disqualified pending a waiver for a history of anxiety disorder or D232.10. I'm extremely worried since I thought I would become qualified without a problem since I met all these criteria straight from (DoDD 6130.3):
p. History of anxiety disorders (300.01), anxiety disorder not otherwise specified (300.00), panic disorder (300.2), agoraphobia (300.21, 300.22), social phobia (300.23), simple phobias (300.29), other acute reactions to stress (308) UNLESS:
(1) The applicant did not require any treatment in an inpatient or residential facility.
(2) Outpatient care was not required for longer than 12 months (cumulative) by a physician or other mental health professional (to include V65.40).
(3) The applicant has not required treatment (including medication) for the past 24 continuous months.
(4) The applicant has been stable without loss of time from normal pursuits for repeated periods even if of brief duration; and without symptoms or behavior of a repeated nature that impaired social, school, or work efficiency for the past 24 continuous months.
I'm not sure why I got disqualified, but I would like to get some input on what I can do. Two years and a half ago I smoked marijuana for the first and last time. I had expirienced my first panic attack during the high which left my mind in a state of panic for about three months. The event was very traumatizing. I was given medication that I took only a handful of times, and according to the doctors notes, I was diagnosed with GAD. It's been more than two years since I took medication. What I'm trying to say is that the anxiety was brought on by smoking and I didn't have any prior experiences with anxiety ever. The anxiety was very short lived but it was obviously enough to get me disqualified.
What steps should I take next?
What are the chances of getting qualified?
Should I take a mental evaluation to prove that I'm fine and strengthen my waiver?
p. History of anxiety disorders (300.01), anxiety disorder not otherwise specified (300.00), panic disorder (300.2), agoraphobia (300.21, 300.22), social phobia (300.23), simple phobias (300.29), other acute reactions to stress (308) UNLESS:
(1) The applicant did not require any treatment in an inpatient or residential facility.
(2) Outpatient care was not required for longer than 12 months (cumulative) by a physician or other mental health professional (to include V65.40).
(3) The applicant has not required treatment (including medication) for the past 24 continuous months.
(4) The applicant has been stable without loss of time from normal pursuits for repeated periods even if of brief duration; and without symptoms or behavior of a repeated nature that impaired social, school, or work efficiency for the past 24 continuous months.
I'm not sure why I got disqualified, but I would like to get some input on what I can do. Two years and a half ago I smoked marijuana for the first and last time. I had expirienced my first panic attack during the high which left my mind in a state of panic for about three months. The event was very traumatizing. I was given medication that I took only a handful of times, and according to the doctors notes, I was diagnosed with GAD. It's been more than two years since I took medication. What I'm trying to say is that the anxiety was brought on by smoking and I didn't have any prior experiences with anxiety ever. The anxiety was very short lived but it was obviously enough to get me disqualified.
What steps should I take next?
What are the chances of getting qualified?
Should I take a mental evaluation to prove that I'm fine and strengthen my waiver?