My DD was offered a type 7 scholarship on the early board but she has decided to apply to some out-of-state schools so she declined it and was told that her application would be reboarded
Every year they re-tweak the system, consider herself lucky. In years past if she declined the scholarship it was over and done with, there was no-reboard option once you said no thanks to their offer. You do realize that she could convert the 4 yr type 7 to a 3 yr type 2 and use it for her OOS schools. Granted she would have to pay freshmen yr.
~ Which brings up the other point many old posters like myself or Kinnem will tell very careful and think long and hard before accepting the scholarship if you MUST have it to attend that school. AFROTC has never had 100% commission rate from the day the cadet starts school to graduation/commissioning day. This is why they offer that freebie year. They know many kids will find that it is not a match for them once they are in the program.
Additionally for AFROTC you have 2 more aspects that need to be considered.
1. Many candidates will place STEM majors as their intended degree with hopes to increase their chances of garnering a scholarship since 80-85% go to STEM, and for type 1 and 2, it is even a higher % (95% of type 1 are STEM, whereas for type 7 it lowers to @75%) The problem is they get to the school and realize that they hate those classes, but love the non-tech class and would like to change majors. To do so they need approval from HQ AFROTC, which is usually a NO! That means they either stay in a major they hate and maybe doing poorly or give up the scholarship.
2. Although the ADAF is short on personnel, you cannot predict what will be the numbers they need in 5 yrs from now when they go ADAF. However, the ADAF MPC can and will predict those numbers. They will know that number by the time the cadet is an AS200. This is a critical yr because they must be selected for SFT aka LEAD. If not selected than chances are they will be dis-enrolled. For the last several years it has been close to overall rate of 93%, but if you go back5 yrs ago it was @55%. it actually went 58% 1 yr, 90% the following and 55% the yr after that and back up to 90+% from there on. The reason why impo was although the numbers for the ADAF did not change, the amount of cadets in AFROTC had grown dramatically.
~ The SFT selection board does not care or knows if the cadet is on a scholarship or not when it comes to selection. It is what ADAF calls "masked" . There are no extra points for a scholarship cadet compared to a non-scholarship cadet.
I am not trying to be Debbie Downer, just saying that if the scholarship is needed for financial purposes than it would be prudent to think about possible factors that may become a reality in the future.
Good luck.