AFROTC Rated Supplemental Boards


Feb 6, 2017
Hi all,

Does anyone have any information for the supplemental rated boards? I understand that they are rolling boards, but does the initial board work like the regular boards in that we will know results after a certain time frame? How do the rolling boards work?

The regular supplemental boards will happen in the fall (typically sometime in Oct.) and are treated the same way as the regular boards but with less people and slots available. The rolling boards are as simple as cadets losing their slot due to a variety of issues and the next person on the OML is offered the slot. These slots are even more sparse but I can tell you that they exist because I have one.
The regular supplemental boards will happen in the fall (typically sometime in Oct.) and are treated the same way as the regular boards but with less people and slots available. The rolling boards are as simple as cadets losing their slot due to a variety of issues and the next person on the OML is offered the slot. These slots are even more sparse but I can tell you that they exist because I have one.
Do they select those for ENJPPT at the same board or is that a whole different matter
Do they select those for ENJPPT at the same board or is that a whole different matter Last week of September: Categorization continuation process, Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT) selection process, and Supplemental Board completed. First week in October: Categorization continuation process, ENJJPT, and Supplemental Board results released.

So yes the supps and ENJJPT come out the same day.
Do they select those for ENJPPT at the same board or is that a whole different matter Last week of September: Categorization continuation process, Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT) selection process, and Supplemental Board completed. First week in October: Categorization continuation process, ENJJPT, and Supplemental Board results released.

So yes the supps and ENJJPT come out the same day.
Thanks for the help. That was great