AFROTC scholarship application questions

Got it. I missed the UF in his post. I had already looked at the UF site and as I posted earlier I don't think it is really wrong but it seems to be mis-leading.

You're correct that it's not wrong but I think I might use a stronger word than misleading. Is misrepresent stronger? :thumbdown:
I am curious why the school would post such a misleading statement?

So many kids and parents are walking this path for the 1st time, many will never find this site, and the way that appears it sounds like the AFROTC scholarship works the same way as a Stafford Loan or a Pell Grant, which is not true at all.

When, as a parent you are trying to get their ducks in a row for financial purposes regarding the next 4 yrs.

Even though Bullet commissioned AFROTC from the same det as our DS, we didn't know about SFT when he accepted his scholarship. It was scary when we learned of this as a C100 parent. The thought that if he didn't get SFT, we were going to have to find his tuition portion for the next 2 yrs. was an :eek: moment. That board was the most nerve racking 4 months of our lives. Yes, even more than the AFSC board, because regardless of his AFSC results we knew he would commission, unlike if he received negative results for SFT.

AFROTC candidates need to understand the scholarship is just the 1st board.