After receiving NROTC-MO Scholarship


New Member
Jul 13, 2016
I was recently selected for the four year NROTC-MO scholarship, and I am currently waiting to learn which school it will be awarded to. I am very excited about this, and would appreciate any insight/advice anyone has on how to best prepare/set up for the first year as a Midshipman in college.
+1 to USMCGrunt as always. Be prepared to nail the PFT. That's realy about all you can do to prepare.
If you get bored over the summer and are looking for some moto introduction try this:
There is a Sgt Instructor from OCS in that one who talks about success and failure. It's my favorite quote and is worth listening to.

This one is about OCS which is far far away for you so it's probably not as interesting but it's still motivational:

I love this one. Makes me teary eyed every time.

Orientation can be extremely different from one school to the next. At some you're just filling paperwork... and others it's much more intensive. This ine is from one of the latter. It's my favorite only because my DS is in it. Again, your orientation may be nothing like this:

Congratulations on your achievement. Strap in, embrace the suck, and enjoy the ride. There is no other ride like it! :)
Great Work! The two biggest things that will give you a leg up is to study up on basic Marine Corps knowledge such as rank/general orders and workout till you get exhausted, then workout some more.
Great Work! The two biggest things that will give you a leg up is to study up on basic Marine Corps knowledge such as rank/general orders and workout till you get exhausted, then workout some more.
And remember you are part of the NROTC unit so you will also want to know Navy Ranks. But, don't over think it. Stay in shape, run, run run and most importantly, enjoy your senior year.
Be careful about what gets posted on social media.
Please, please, please, be careful. It's not just your posts, but what others post about you.
At a minimum it could create embarrassing situations during orientation or your first year in the battalion. But it could be worse. Every year someone loses a scholarship because of social media posts. Not just ROTC but athletic scholarships.
My DS virtually quit posting when he hit NROTC. I don't think he has posted ANYTHING since he has commissioned.
Be careful about what gets posted on social media.
Please, please, please, be careful. It's not just your posts, but what others post about you.
At a minimum it could create embarrassing situations during orientation or your first year in the battalion. But it could be worse. Every year someone loses a scholarship because of social media posts. Not just ROTC but athletic scholarships.

This has more t do with WHAT the person was doing than a post of FB or IG. They shouldn't be anywhere where their friends are doing something unworthy of a candidate, drinking, drugs,etc.
Posting pictures of your friends and family doesn't have to stop, AND turn ON the approval when someone tags you so you can approve or deny that tag also.
It's about common sense, and being the responsible person that the Academies expect you to be.
Nice to hear. My son was offered a Army ROTC scholarship in November. His Marine requiter did not send in his application for the first deadline. It was sent in for the second deadline. Now he waits. He really wants the NROTC with Marine option. I think if he doesn't get it he will enlist.
Thank you! I was unofficially notified by my recruiting officer that I had been selected by the board a few days after it was held.

Lucky you, my recruiting officer told me I would know before she does. What district are you in?
The 6th I believe

Has your status changed on your portal?
Yes it did earlier this week. It's now a long set of information that says my application is at the NSTC selection/placement office with no decision made.
I think if he doesn't get it he will enlist.

Best of luck to your son on the next NROTC Board, if he is not selected make sure that he takes some time to think about what to do next and what his goals are. The decision between going to college on an AROTC Scholarship and commissioning as an Army Officer and enlisting straight out of High School into the Marines is a big one. There is always the option of joining NROTC-MO as a College Programmer and competing for a side load scholarship once he starts. A lot comes down to his goals, whether it is becoming an Officer or focused soley on being a Marine whether it is with a commission or enlisted. While both are equally honorable and respected, they are vastly different in many ways, just make sure he weighs all his options before heading to the local recruiter's office, they can paint a real pretty picture.