Hi all!
The ALO has a portal too; it's called "ALOWEB." In it we can see our candidates basic information; which means if you submitted it then we can see it (not documents; written stuff like all your hobbies, classes you took: the things you listed when you registered with USAFA). We can also access the candidates portal page to see what they've submitted, what's still "out there" and the due dates, etc.
I personally ask for an "I love me" paper. Its not a resume; its more of an accounting of everything from the first day of 9th grade to the present: if you did it, I want to know about it. And NOTHING is too small or too trivial! From this paper, I can get the candidate to remember things they didn't tell USAFA or me initially...it's a great memory jogger!
And then the interview will happen and it'll be fun, easy, and not at all stressful.
(If I stress you out...well...we need to talk!)