Anti-anxiety medication for ROTC


New Member
Sep 17, 2015
I am currently in ROTC, and I have been prescribed Celexa for anxiety/depression.

Is this disqualifying and if so, what do I do from here?
I am almost 1000% it is a DQ. I believe you must be off the meds for 1 or 2 years with no change in your academic standing. Do not stop taking the medication prior to visiting a doctor.
Pima, I believe that requirement is only for ADHD meds.

Mrsandman, if you're already in ROTC, your first course of action should be to speak to your cadre. They'll be able to give you the guidance you need. Best of luck.

DoDMERB DQs, commissioning source waives.

I believe you will be DQ because you stated you are on that prescription.

You left a big equation out of your post...branch.
~ I am assuming you are not scholarship, and that begs the question why do you think you will take the DoDMERB anytime soon?

AROTC may DQ and waive, AFROTC or NROTC may not. Different commissioning sources. Different waiver process.
~ Great example is the Navy for color deficiency is the hardest than AFROTC or AROTC when it comes to waivers. DoDMERB still DQs them all, but the source waives.

If it was me, and expecting to take the exam within the next few months, than I would get my medical paperwork in order for the waiver process.
~ Just my opinion and $2.07 will get you a small coffee at Starbucks.

I wish you the very best that this world has to offer, and thank you for wanting to defend this amazing nation.
I am thinking PIMA is right unless regs have changed.

There is no medical connection between anxiety drugs and academic performance. The Standards of Medical Fitness (AR 40-501) clearly states the "demonstrate passing academic performance" requirement is for ADHD. Nowhere is a similar requirement mandated for anxiety meds.

The reason for this is simple - having ADHD in and of itself is not a DQ - only relying on meds to control it is. On the other hand, a diagnosis of anxiety alone is a DQ, regardless of the need for a prescription.

That isn't to say that all hope is lost, Mrsandman, but you need to speak to your cadre to get ahead of this. Again, best of luck.
Sorry - I am on AFROTC scholarship. I just got the meds recently; I had taken the DODMERB before I got prescribed and diagnosed.
Sorry - I am on AFROTC scholarship. I just got the meds recently; I had taken the DODMERB before I got prescribed and diagnosed.
The information I gave was specific to Army ROTC. The Air Force may be different.
Time out are on scholarship and in AFROTC. That means you are contracted. You need to report this now to your unit CoC, as in yesterday. Your medical status has officially changed.

This is not just you going through the DoDMERB for the scholarship. It is your medical history has changed since you took the DoDMERB and as a scholarship recipient that is part of the fine print regarding the scholarship upon contracting.

Now, don't go OMG they are going to kick me out because I am on it or I didn't tell them immediately when it was prescribed. Just come clean on Monday. They get you are new to the program. They will at this point work with you regarding the next step. Submitting the paperwork to HQ AFROTC. If it is a DQ than they will work with you for the waiver process.
~ Get your medical records in order to submit to them. CoC and HQ AFROTC.

I would use the search tool button to see if there are any posts here regarding anti anxiety/depression medicine or go on search sites like since you are looking for AF.

Even if it is a DQ, always remember waivers are case by case. Nobody here sits on those boards. Nobody should say yeah or nay.

Finally if everything else fails, use the search button here for MullenLE posts. He works for DoDMERB, was an active poster for sometime, but no longer. He is the guy that created the help desk for DoDMERB. Look for his very last post, it might have been in the last 6-9 months. He left his new direct email to DoDMERB. It is quite long...something like it starts with Larry.Mullen @.... backslash ....
~ I would not pm him directly or post a thread asking for MullenLE....chances are you will hear crickets chirping forever before he chimes in again.