Any Buck McKeon nominations?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Nov 27, 2008
Anyone here online receive a Buck McKeon nomination?
If anyone has applied in the Buck McKeon District it would be great to hear from local people.
I got one about two weeks ago.
And I got my official appointment Saturday =)
Congrats! I am in Mckeon's district and I was wondering if you could give me any insight to his nomination process. Who was on the panel?

Thank you!
The panel had six people, one from each school and two people who represented Buck Mckeon (I think that was their purpose?)
My Blue and Gold officer was actually on the panel.
Wow. Thats kind of alot of people! lol I have heard that the 25th is super competitive, do you know how many people tried to get nominated? Also, when is a good time to start talking to my Blue and Gold officer?
I know two other people who also tried to get one, one of which was the guy who got the Principal nomination, but idk how many total. My Blue & Gold officer actually called me in like the middle of July to schedule my interview so I'm guessing as soon as possible. I don't think most BGO's call their candidates though, you have to call them.
Make sure you remember the questions from the BGO interview, they ask basically the same things during your nomination interview.

Im from CA district 25 and im wondering how his nominations work. Im a junior right now, and i live overseas on a Naval Base in japan. Does this put me at any disadvantage with him? does anyone have a first hand account on his nomination process, and should i be contacting him already?
I don't think most BGO's call their candidates though, you have to call them.

This varies from one BGO to the next. Some make introductory calls or send emails early in the summer (we won't have the 2014 candidates in our system until June 1). Others may wait into the early fall. In terms of scheduling interviews, BGOs are not required to interview candidates until they have about 33% of their packet complete. This is b/c many candidates never finish their packets. However, other BGOs interview everyone.

Make sure you remember the questions from the BGO interview, they ask basically the same things during your nomination interview.

They may or may not be. Having your BGO on the MOC panel is not common -- happens but not common. Also, there are no fixed questions for BGOs. There are certain topics we must cover but how we do so and what we ask is up to each of us. This is even more true for MOC committees who, quite frankly, can ask anything they want (within the law). Thus, the questions may be the same but they may be very different.
Im from CA district 25 and im wondering how his nominations work. Im a junior right now, and i live overseas on a Naval Base in japan. Does this put me at any disadvantage with him? does anyone have a first hand account on his nomination process, and should i be contacting him already?

This happens with some frequency and most MOC offices have a process for dealing with candidates who live outside of the district. Obviously, if you can return to the US during the MOC interview season (usually Nov and early Dec), that would be ideal. However, many can't and, in those cases, MOCs typically do phone interviews. Just last night (at a h.s. "military night") I spoke to parents of a current mid who applied while his parents were stationed in Germany. He did his BGO and MOC interviews over the phone. So, not a disadvantage.

No, you don't NEED to contact your MOC right now. If your MOCs are not new, you could contact the office (or go to the MOC's website) and see if the 2014 packet is available -- it might not be yet. If your MOC just took office, he/she probably hasn't even appointed someone to head up the nominations process; thus, I'd wait until April or May.

Most MOC packets are due in the October timeframe, although some may have earlier or later deadlines. There is really no advantage for MOCs in getting things in early but it is critical that you get them in on time.