Any Massachusetts appointees??

Our MA rep and senators said they'd release nominations in late January/early February. My son said they mentioned that our rep collaborates with the senators with noms to make sure as many get noms as possible. I imagine he'll hear in a week or so. Maybe other reps do theirs independently but ours does coordinate with Markey and Warren. So I bet appointments will come out more in February. (His application is for USMA, but the nomination process is the same in MA across the academies, I believe.)
Our MA rep and senators said they'd release nominations in late January/early February. My son said they mentioned that our rep collaborates with the senators with noms to make sure as many get noms as possible. I imagine he'll hear in a week or so. Maybe other reps do theirs independently but ours does coordinate with Markey and Warren. So I bet appointments will come out more in February. (His application is for USMA, but the nomination process is the same in MA across the academies, I believe.)
Haha never mind the late January, he got a notification from Senator Warren's office today that he got nominated! 🎉