Anyone need prep school advice?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Jun 29, 2008
Hey guys/gals, Im a Falcon prep this year so I know a lot about prep schools and such. A little background on me: Im 18 and at New Mexico Military Institute. Im here for one year and then Ill be at the Academy next year. I should actually get my appointment next week:biggrin:. Prep school is tough but if you can cut it here, you can do it at the Academy. If you need help with any application stuff or prep school help just post. I have connections with the old dean of academics from the academy. He teaches at my school. Good luck!

Lockheed out
prep school


My daughter may need to think about Prep school.. has the deadline to apply already passed? She just got a Presidental Scholarship to Xavier University in Cincy... worth $55K.... but a waitlist from USMA.. the same day so she is really upset. ALthought USAFA is her first choice.. and she went to summer seminar.. she is really sweating it now. I am stressed too....

My daughter may need to think about Prep school.. has the deadline to apply already passed? She just got a Presidental Scholarship to Xavier University in Cincy... worth $55K.... but a waitlist from USMA.. the same day so she is really upset. ALthought USAFA is her first choice.. and she went to summer seminar.. she is really sweating it now. I am stressed too....

hey weathermom, I saw your post about national wait list over on CC (maybe it was here on the USMA forum, I forget). tell your daughter not to fret. Many appointments are offered off of the NWL. good luck :thumb:

Thanks for your support... really it helps to know people are "waiting" with you. It will all work out like it is supposed to.