I was just wondering if here are any past applicants, or parents out there that might be able to answer my question. I'm currently a sophomore in high school, and I'm very interested in the aspect of attending a SA. So I was wondering what you think would further my chances at admission as I begin to form my schedule for my junior year.
Would it be wiser to take the Navy JROTC program my school offers, or use the space that would take up to take more AP classes? The JROTC class is a double period, so it would take up 2 out of my 7 class periods, but I feel that it would help to display my leadership qualities and give me more information on military life. On the other hand, I could fill those periods with a mixture of either AP Chem, Bio, or Physics, which I also hear look very good to the SAs. Any opinion is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Would it be wiser to take the Navy JROTC program my school offers, or use the space that would take up to take more AP classes? The JROTC class is a double period, so it would take up 2 out of my 7 class periods, but I feel that it would help to display my leadership qualities and give me more information on military life. On the other hand, I could fill those periods with a mixture of either AP Chem, Bio, or Physics, which I also hear look very good to the SAs. Any opinion is greatly appreciated! Thank you!