AP tests


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Nov 17, 2008
The last thread reminded me of a question I had about AP tests. Does anyone know if USAFA even looks at the College Board AP exams? I'm still considering taking the AP US Gov test in May, but if it's irrelevant, than it's not worth the 90 bucks. I know I saw a chart somewhere of what courses they consider, but I don't remember where I found it.

yes. These will validate the equivalent classes with the appropriate score (usually a 5)
Biology, Comp Sci, Physics C only, and english (lang or lit).

Others like math and chem require validation testing.
I just called the people in charge of Economics and English.

They said I could validate both English Comp and Micro/Macroeconomics.

We have dual credit courses at our school. Basically we get college credit through the local community college.
Cool! I didn't take any of those classes! haha

I was expecting to take entrance exams during BCT anyway
In our candidate packet it says "The Air Force Academy will accept scores of 4 and 5 on most AP exams and scores of 5/6/7 on some IB exams in conjunction with core course placement exams that you will take during Basic Cadet Training. Scores of 3 will be reviewed on an individual basis. College courses taken as part of a high school curriculum will not be considered for transfer credit."

Based on the above, we did not take any dual-credit college courses in high school since the USAFA would not take them. However, this May our son (who has an LOA with nomination and just waiting on the appointment) will complete the following AP courses, and we are wondering which ones the academy will accept if he scores a 4 or 5. I have not been able to find a list anywhere.

AP English Literature
AP Calculus
AP Government
AP Economics

AP English Composition and AP History were taken last year already.
he can validate english.

he can be placed into a higher math.

he can validate econ...

i validated cal 1. some friends in my squad validated english and econ with high AP scores. one friend validated it with college credit.. it all depends. you can talk to them once you're out of basic and they can usually work something out (they/them being the department in charge of that particular course)
It requires passing the validation test in BCT. AP test alone, at USAFA, isn't enough to cut it.
Odd, I talked to both the heads of the English and Economics departments, and they said it would probably validate with the dual credit classes.
so can i not take any ap tests and stil validate classes such as calulus 1 and world lit or government? or to validate do i have to half the ap test and the validation test during BCT?
So just to verify - AP Government with a score of 4 or 5 will not validate? That is a pretty common AP course for seniors in Texas. If not, there is no reason for us to pay for our son to take the AP Government test in May. Usually in counts for the first semester of Political Science at most universities.
so can i not take any ap tests and stil validate classes such as calulus 1 and world lit or government? or to validate do i have to half the ap test and the validation test during BCT?
meant have to take the ap test AND validation test at BCT. first post was kinda confusing
So just to verify - AP Government with a score of 4 or 5 will not validate? That is a pretty common AP course for seniors in Texas. If not, there is no reason for us to pay for our son to take the AP Government test in May. Usually in counts for the first semester of Political Science at most universities.

Our son still took all of his AP tests, even though he had his appointment to USAFA. Up until the day that he reported for BCT, he had a back-up school all set in case something happened. The AP test scores would have been needed if he had to go to his back-up school.

Well it's AP test sign-up time, so I thought I would revive this thread. So...

I had planned to take all my AP tests, figuring that I would not have an admissions decision prior to payment time. But then, much to my relief, that offer of appointment arrived. So... AP tests. worth it or not?

I have taken Biology ('08), European History ('08), and US History ('07). This year, I am in line to take Calculus AB, Physics C, US Government, and possibly Spanish Language (in Spanish 5, but it's not an AP class so I would have to self study a fair amount). It is my understanding that I will not receive any credit for Calc or US Gov, yet I am still considering taking them... Crazy? My parents are happy to pay the $86 per test, but I have started to question the logic.
Well it's AP test sign-up time, so I thought I would revive this thread. So...

I had planned to take all my AP tests, figuring that I would not have an admissions decision prior to payment time. But then, much to my relief, that offer of appointment arrived. So... AP tests. worth it or not?

I have taken Biology ('08), European History ('08), and US History ('07). This year, I am in line to take Calculus AB, Physics C, US Government, and possibly Spanish Language (in Spanish 5, but it's not an AP class so I would have to self study a fair amount). It is my understanding that I will not receive any credit for Calc or US Gov, yet I am still considering taking them... Crazy? My parents are happy to pay the $86 per test, but I have started to question the logic.

Definitely take the Physics. I wouldn't bother with the Calculus...your placement in math depends on how well you do on the placement tests during Basic.

Spanish also wouldn't get you anything here. Study if you aim to achieve fluency, but I'm not sure that AP test is worth it either. (More placement tests during Basic.)

Take Physics C...good idea.

That's mho.
How bout something like chemistry and statistics? Oh, and what are the "core" placement exams they make you take? What are optional?
All placement exams are 'optional.' You have to take them, but you could just plop your head down and sleep if you want, won't hurt ya.

I'd take Physics C, Chemistry, English, and maybe Stats.
kinda sucks, though, when people are constantly yelling at you telling you not to sleep. they didnt "allow" us to, and i wouldnt have been able to if i tried, even though i was so worn out
kinda sucks, though, when people are constantly yelling at you telling you not to sleep. they didnt "allow" us to, and i wouldnt have been able to if i tried, even though i was so worn out

I definitely did the first page of compsci and then went to sleep. i also finished math early and went to sleep. that's weird they didn't let you. :(
So cadre are yelling at you even when taking a test? That must be really distracting.