Yes, Athletic Accolades are important, especially if they are "All American or All-Area". This is from a dated Rand Report specifically about the scoring system at USMA. This is from the "Athletic Activities" scoring section which make up 10% of the Whole Candidate Score (WCS)
Athletic Activity Levels and Points Athletic Activity Level Points
800 Points - An outstanding athlete (All-American, 1st team All-Area selection in baseball/softball, basketball, or football) and athletic rating of either 1 or 2 in the sport in which honors are received or a CFA score greater than 650.
700 Points - 1st team All-Area selection in a single sport (other than baseball/softball, basketball, or football). Captain of baseball/softball, basketball or football team. Team captain in two or more sports (other than baseball/softball, basketball, or football, for class size over 100).
500 Points - Captain of team (other than baseball/softball, basketball, or football). Varsity letter in baseball/softball, basketball or football. Varsity letter in two or more sports (other than baseball/softball, basketball, or football). 600 Varsity letter in a single sport (other than baseball/softball, basketball, or football).
400 Points - Participation in varsity sport without a letter.
300 Points - Participation in junior-varsity and other team sports (excluding intramurals).
200 Points - Candidates with no participation and no evidence of interest in sports.