DS has started his sophomore year of school but has yet to receive and tuition payments or stipends. He says that he cannot contract until he takes his PRT scheduled for October. It seems like this is a little late, if the cadets have already been at school for a while. Is this possible? Worried that DS is overwhelmed and procrastinating to get his paperwork turned in.
Are you referring to passing the APFT?
Has your son competed all the required paperwork, most importantly the 104R?
I am surprised they did not have him take the APFT either before classes started or very soon after. It seems like a long wait before taking the test in October, considering that cadets don't start getting their Stipend until they contract and are not payed for any time before contracting. The Stipend is part of the scholarship and contracting benefits, waiting that long leaves the cadet short. Even if he had not completed all his paperwork they could have still had him take the APFT earlier. When my son's started ROTC the Battalion gave the APFT two days before school started, made sure they had their paperwork completed and held a contracting ceremony the day before classes started, this included 3yr scholarship cadets that were starting their sophomore year. Of course every Battalion operates differently when it comes to these issues.
I would ask your son if he has completed all his paperwork if that is your concern. Once contracted the tuition will be set up for payment and he will still receive his book money, the only money he will lose is the Stipend he did not receive while not contracted.