AROTC scholarship results

Nov 2, 2017
For all wondering I do believe the red box around the winner is the indication you’ve been awaiting. It showed up on my file last night and today I received a call from a PMS congratulationing me on my four year scholarship.
hey, i got a redox also- i assumed that meant a negative- logic would be green. Do you think this means i received a scholarship.
The box around the paragraphs has always been red, the color should have nothing to do with whether you received a scholarship or not.

I also have the red box around winner, I'm hoping we hear back officially in the next few days.
hey, i got a redox also- i assumed that meant a negative- logic would be green. Do you think this means i received a scholarship.
If it is around Winner then hopefully good news is coming soon. If no decision was made it will still be around boarded and that would mean your name will remain on the list for the next board, so there is still an opportunity.
DD's went to red box around Winner last year when received 4 year. So if same holds true this year should be good news!
For all wondering I do believe the red box around the winner is the indication you’ve been awaiting. It showed up on my file last night and today I received a call from a PMS congratulationing me on my four year scholarship.

The PMS should not have done that. The results aren't official yet. They should be confirmed in the next day or so.
For all wondering I do believe the red box around the winner is the indication you’ve been awaiting. It showed up on my file last night and today I received a call from a PMS congratulationing me on my four year scholarship.

The PMS should not have done that. The results aren't official yet. They should be confirmed in the next day or so.
lol whoops. But that’s right I was informed by cadet command that they should officially be released This afternoon.
For all wondering I do believe the red box around the winner is the indication you’ve been awaiting. It showed up on my file last night and today I received a call from a PMS congratulationing me on my four year scholarship.
if you dont mind what were you stats? ACT/GPA ect?
For all wondering I do believe the red box around the winner is the indication you’ve been awaiting. It showed up on my file last night and today I received a call from a PMS congratulationing me on my four year scholarship.
if you dont mind what were you stats? ACT/GPA ect?
30act/1360 sat
Varsity XC, football
Lots of leadership and community service
Club president. class Officer.
That’s the basics