I've heard a few people say that it's better to submit your application for the AFROTC scholarship as early as possible.
Bu why is this? Do they have rolling acceptances? Is there really a significant difference submitting it, say, at the end of the summer rather than at the deadline in December? I would think that the Air Force would simply want the most capable applicants, not just qualified people who applied early, but that's contrary to what I have heard and I want to know why.
I am hesitant to submit as soon as I can for 2 reasons:
One, I'll be finishing my private pilot license at the end of the summer, which would likely be a boost to my application. But I won't have it done until then.
Second, I'm retaking the SAT in August - only got a 1500 the first time around, when I was scoring forty to fifty points higher on the practice tests.
Would it be valid to wait until those are done to submit the application in order to include them?
A few additional questions:
Are SAT II subject test scores considered for the application? I took the chemistry one before I did AP Chemistry and so I did badly (700), but I'm retaking it (along with taking math 2 and physics subject tests) and if my diagnostic practice tests say anything, I will do very well on those. I want to either be able to submit my good scores, or just not submit the bad stuff from earlier when I wasn't as focused on studying for it.
If I were to (theoretically) receive a scholarship and accept the offer, would it be possible to transfer schools during college?
Thanks. And if it's relevant to any of these questions, I'm looking to do a tech major (aero/astro engineering or physics)... my dream school is MIT because they're doing amazing aeronautical research there but it's a long shot no matter what, so maybe GA Tech, Purdue, or UCSD... I'm unsure at this point really, but there's no need for me to get attached to one particular place this early on!
Bu why is this? Do they have rolling acceptances? Is there really a significant difference submitting it, say, at the end of the summer rather than at the deadline in December? I would think that the Air Force would simply want the most capable applicants, not just qualified people who applied early, but that's contrary to what I have heard and I want to know why.
I am hesitant to submit as soon as I can for 2 reasons:
One, I'll be finishing my private pilot license at the end of the summer, which would likely be a boost to my application. But I won't have it done until then.
Second, I'm retaking the SAT in August - only got a 1500 the first time around, when I was scoring forty to fifty points higher on the practice tests.
Would it be valid to wait until those are done to submit the application in order to include them?
A few additional questions:
Are SAT II subject test scores considered for the application? I took the chemistry one before I did AP Chemistry and so I did badly (700), but I'm retaking it (along with taking math 2 and physics subject tests) and if my diagnostic practice tests say anything, I will do very well on those. I want to either be able to submit my good scores, or just not submit the bad stuff from earlier when I wasn't as focused on studying for it.
If I were to (theoretically) receive a scholarship and accept the offer, would it be possible to transfer schools during college?
Thanks. And if it's relevant to any of these questions, I'm looking to do a tech major (aero/astro engineering or physics)... my dream school is MIT because they're doing amazing aeronautical research there but it's a long shot no matter what, so maybe GA Tech, Purdue, or UCSD... I'm unsure at this point really, but there's no need for me to get attached to one particular place this early on!