Birth Control Plebe Summer


New Member
Nov 4, 2017
I have read through other threads regarding this topic and they have been very helpful, but the different forms of Birth Control - other than Depo or the pill - aren't specified. Would USNA allow girls to enter plebe summer with a Nexplanon implant?
Your DD will need to arrive on I-Day with a note/RX from the prescribing Dr. If she was using it prior to I-Day it should have been listed on her medical questionnaire. You may want to contact admissions to ensure that they allow her specific type of birth control, in case they don't you may want to switch her over to something they will continue to administer to her. Hope that helps!
My DD is class of 2020. Has had the nexplanon implant since the summer of 15 when she reported to NAPS. No issues.
But if your daughter doesn’t have it yet, do it well before I day. Hormones can go absolutely bonkers and really mess with emotions.
Plebe here! I was using pill birth control when I entered plebe summer. I brought enough for the time and a prescription from my doctor, but they ended up switching me to a different birth control pill on Iday. As you can imagine, this was the absolute worst, my hormones went wild and after a week I gave up birth control as we had little time to take it and the change in dosage was destroying me. I would recommend an implant, like my roomate had, as they can’t mess with it when you get there.
To echo Islandmom4, don’t don’t don’t start birth control right before plebe summer. You really need to be in the right place mentally to make it through and starting or changing bc can mess you up. It’s possible to stop your periods with bc so it’s tempting, but not worth it.