Blue and Gold officer question

USNA 2016Dad, I don't think anyone is questioning the right of the BGO's child to apply. But it seems to me that the BGO should consider the conflict of interest and take a year off when he/she has a child who is applying. The BGO interview would not make a difference in getting the MOC nomination, but it could possibly make a difference, if the slate is competitive, in which nominee gets the appointment. Even if the BGO's child has a different BGO, the one who is the parent could be submitting mediocre interview reports to the Academy, and the child of the BGO could get a positive report, thus skewing the outcome.

Exactly my point. Thank you futuremarinemom. The amount of work, effort, time, and stress that a candidate goes through should never EVER be compromised by the very process that creates their efforts. The thing is we didn't know until months after the interview and this has been going on for 8 years and 4 children for this BGO. It just isn't right (or honorable).
USNA is well aware that some BGOs will, at some point, have a child applying to USNA. They do not require that BGO to take a year off. My guess is that this is for two reasons. First, it would be disruptive in that BGOs are assigned to schools and it's not easy simply to "replace" someone for a year. Sounds easy but it isn't. Second, and I hope more importantly, they assume most BGOs have integrity.

For those who disagree with the above, consider two things. First, most BGOs serve for many years and have a track record of interviews. If, suddenly, the year their child is applying, all of their interviews are negative, it will be noticed. Second, I think many of you overestimate the influence of a BGO. For a negative interview to have any impact, it must be supported by clear facts. A lukewarm interview is unlikely to make any difference for an otherwise strong candidate; likewise, a terrific interview write up will not "save" an otherwise unexceptional candidate.

The OP's situation is complicated b/c the BGO's kid got an LOA and we don't know what type of slate the MOC submitted. It's not necessarily linear that candidates on a MOC's slate compete against each other -- some may have other nom sources, those not slotted to the MOC go to the national pool where they compete against others throughout the country. As noted, it's a complex scenario.

I will also say that i've had friends and classmates who have had kids applying and been BGOs at the same time. More often than not, their kids are not offered appointments, much to their chagrin. IOW, being a BGO is not in any way a guarantor of your child being offered an appointment.

What I'm saying is that, on the vast scheme of things that influence the admissions process, the situation the OP cited really isn't one.
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Please don't forget that the BGO's child was awarded an LOA. The academy awards LOAs, not the MOC. It sounds as though this candidate was attractive to the academy, and it is not surprising that the MOC gave him/her a nomination. The MOC probably had more than one name on the nomination list that was turned in to the academy, so others could have been appointed from the MOC's list (national pool, or whatever USNA calls it).
True, the BGO's child had an LOA. I guess it is what it is... That BGO must have awesome kids! Navypops did your candidate get a TWE? Or is it possible that he/she might still be in the running from the national pool? In any case, good luck for a positive outcome.
Still in the running, and it is what it is. Never expected and never want special consideration. Just a fair shot. I suppose the BGO's family genetics are extraordinarily fitted to USNA. However, if this dynamic happened on a national level, there would be screams of racism, inequality, and favoritism. The bottom line: do everything you can to win that appointment. By the way, what is an OP? Don't understand.
OP = original poster

I've seen several very close friends who are BGOs watch while their child is (in their view, unfairly) sent a TWE. And some whose kids get the BFE.

I won't try to defend the BGO in your area b/c I don't know him or his kids. If he is "gaming the system" and/or treating candidates unfairly, he should be reported and dismissed as a BGO. As I said at the beginning, if you believe your BGO did anything inappropriate, please take it up with the Area Coordinator. That's one reason they exist.

Alternatively, as an above poster said, the BGO may simply have terrific kids who literally got what they deserved.

And, as I say in my "Reapplying" sticky above, if someone reapplies to USNA, he/she should definitely request a second BGO interview.
op=original poster

Good luck to you!

And, I know a family that had 5 siblings earn service academy appointments (they had no ties to BGOs or the equivalents at the other academies). My son's current roommate is the third sibling in his family to earn an appointment. It is likely that the younger siblings learn from the older ones and start earlier than most in tailoring their activities, academics, etc towards earning an appointment. Having a BGO for a dad could definitely help out in this regard:smile:
Thanks everyone. Got my "catharsis" out there. Had it treated fairly, intelligently, and with care and kindness. I now officially let it go and end my discourse. One thing I will say, the people we have met along the road (the long long road) have all been positive and wise. I appreciate this. The BGO really hasn't been much help since the interview and I have learned more from this board than anything he shared. I am certain this is a situation that does not occur in most places and I wish the very best to all the parents who have recognized the great qualities of their children. We all have the best candidates, don't we? I guess some have more than others.:thumb:
Yes, OP can mean Original Poster, but it can also mean Original Post. Just chiming in. :p
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Wow, good thing we have folks like you to help us !!
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Just curious USNA2016Dad. Are you a BGO? I hope so.
Someday. It is very unfortunate this last application cycle has left an unfavorable impression on you. My wife and I have found all of the people we've come across during visits to USNA, the application cycle and subsequent visits back to our son to be very encouraging, helpful and supportive. I hope you and your family will find that also. Good luck to you and yours. Cheers.
Hey, Navypops - hope you are feeling better today. Sent a private message today. Keep positive, you still don't have that TWE in hand yet, so who knows. If not this year, you can request a new Blue/Gold Officer next year and you and your child will be that much more prepared and many other options to fulfill that goal in same amount of time. Pulling for you! Sometimes life has no Rhyme or Reason.
Hi mulan! Yes, I am feeing a bit more at peace today. I have sent a private message to you. Thanks for the input and advice. Good luck and fortune to you and yours!