Braces removal postponed due to COVID


5-Year Member
Apr 10, 2019
DS got a note from orthodontist that all appointments indefinitely on hold due to COVID. He was scheduled to have them removed next Thursday. He has approved medical with submitted paperwork with DoDMERB that says they will be removed by April 1. Should we push orthodontist to meet date? Is this an issue if they aren’t removed now as long as before shows up for I- Day?
We are in the exact same situation. Braces were due to come off next Friday. We received a call today saying everything is cancelled for the foreseeable future.
As I was typing this a new one came in: OK, RowingMom and Dream2Serve:

Have DS, the applicant, vice Mom, use the FAST sticky under the DoDMERB tab. I can better assist him for an informed position than just trying to guess on a public Forum :)

Just a reminder:

APPLICANTS ONLY (If your parents read this part, you’ll know why I wrote it this wayJ) – This is YOUR future, YOUR application, and it needs to be YOUR decision. Parents are very useful in providing YOU sage advice and counsel…in the background…say again, IN THE BACKGROUND. YOU should take all actions regarding YOUR application. If YOU are offered an appointment to one/more Service Academy and/or are awarded a scholarship to an ROTC Program(s), guess what? Your parents do NOT get to attend with YOUJ While the Service Academies and ROTC programs have bunk beds---those are for your roommates, not your parents!

Therefore, this process begins that transition of YOUR independence. Again, they can assist YOU, but YOU should be the lead on all application actions. They should be like the military guidon bearer --- YOU are the Commander and they should be one step to the right and one step behind YOU. They can discuss anything and everything with YOU, just not DODMERB. Go easy on them. This will NOT be an easy thing for them to do…to start to let goJ

PARENTS: While I’ve emphasized the above to a fault, I can only share with you my vast experience in this area. Your wisdom will be deeply appreciated by your son or daughter, but the “action” part of this exercise is best for all, when the applicant takes direct ownership of THEIR process, with Admissions, Congressional Nominations, DoDMERB, etc.J