Thanks for the perspective,
@NavyHoops, I've been trying to think about how to describe it for a while, "in between phase" is bang on. I was talking with my dad over leave, sort of "running it" about stupid 3/C stuff like not being able to take weeknight libo even though I'm sitting at a 3.6, because I can do that with him, and he kind of smiled and said, sounds like my oldest kiddo has growing pains all over again.
@NomSeeker I think a lot of us youngsters are feeling this and it probably comes out differently for everyone. Like, Army-Navy is coming up and all I can think about is what a giant PITA and hassle that week is. Plebes pranking, people staying up way too late, it's *right* in the middle of finals and I'd rather be studying and sleeping, waking up at some indecent hour to get on a bus to go stand in formation in the cold and then stand up for the whole game and pay for way overpriced stadium food out of my pocket, and if last year is any indication my feet will be so cold and tired by the end of the game I won't feel them, then get back on a bus and sit for a long time and get back to Naptown at a similarly indecent hour having probably been awake for 24 hours+, which I get for wartime ops or training, but this is just a dang football game. (Which I can get away with puffing my cynical lid about because I'm diligently anonymous here, and in my wing and on my deck I'm still all GO NAVY BEAT ARMY yada yada.) And just to keep it relevant to C/O '26, they're pretty tired and snappy too. They're either checked out, or getting all ratey with the plebes, or snappy, or can't figure out why everyone isn't all gung-ho right now, or whatnot. I think it's normal. I'm glad we don't have to go up to RI this year, YEESH Anyway go navy beat army rah rah rah. Physics homework then rack.