Calculus?! the plebe-killer

Ok, NOT worry about taking extra courses before coming here....when i was a senior in high school i took very little calculus. I came here willing to learn and pulled out A's in Calc 1 and 2. The classes are going to be difficult at times and you might have professors that are frustrating but you NEED to find help. i just want to state what was previously said, that if you were person that cruised through high school and never asked for help...get ready to because it is not easy at KP.

This goes for any subject. honestly, you don't have to be extremely smart to go here. it comes down to how determined you are to not fail out of here.

alright, and by the same token, when i was in high school i took a lot of calculus, came to KP, worked my butt off, and still didnt get as high a grade as i wanted to in calc II. personally, ive never been great at math. i think how you do in calculus has alot to do with your afinity for the subject, and if math isnt your strong point and youve never seen calc before, you could very well be headed for the rocks. if you have the time and money and are willing to work with a tutor, DO IT. seeing the material beforehand and understanding even the most rudimentary concepts, or even just identifying what is and is not difficult for you, will allow you to spend possibly a little less time on calculus and a little more time on a subject which you might not understand as well, or for which the teacher is more difficult, or one that simply just requires more time for some reason. calc is a fairly high credit course... being exposed to the material beforehand is NOT GOING TO HURT YOU AT ALL and neither is a higher GPA that just might result from getting an A rather than a B or a C.
Is it bad that I am not freaking out about the rigor of academics at KP? I guess my mind set is that I know it will be very difficult, I feel I have a decent base[for physics, chem, and calc], and I know that I will work/study hard and ask questions until I understand the material.

Should I be more worried?

Note: I am not expecting to breeze through anything, I know I will be working my a*s off for the next 4 years. Just saying in case I gave off that vibe.
I don't think it is a matter of whether or not you should be worried, it's more about going in with a clear understanding of what you are in for and what is expected of you. People who treat KP like it was "grade 13" don't usually last very long. You may have been working your butt off for the last several years but it is about to ramp up dramatically. Take everything you have been doing and add in the pressures and responsibilities of the Regiment. sleep deprivation and food that you may find to be somewhat less satisfactory than your mom makes and you'll get the idea.