Captain America’s New Mission


15-Year Member
Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2008
Thought that you might find this interesting- VMI alumnus in a somewhat less traditional post graduation career. As the dad of a Rugby player- I like his ears and head more or less the shape they are now so I'm not advocating he follow this career path :eek:but it is rather cool.
"So when Lyle settled into his seat on the Boeing 747, the destination was London, England and not Minneapolis. The son of a two-star Army general and a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, Lyle knew his history and sensed a certain irony as the plane taxied down the runway. Recalling the words to George M. Cohen’s famous World War I ditty, “Over There,” Lyle smiled.
The Yank was coming. "
Rest of the article is at link below:
VMI Rugby rocks.

I know many of the players (and the coaches) well.