CFA difficulty - Read our story - undiagnosed Anemia


Mar 26, 2020
As a parent who watched their DD have great difficulty with the CFA due to the run time, perhaps our story will help your situation.

DD was not accepted to USAFA/USNA due to difficulty with the run portion of the CFA. The year prior, she did not have difficulty running or keeping pace. I just chalked it up to her not being in good enough shape and just said she/we need to work harder. She ended up receiving an appointment to USMMA and absolutely thrived there and will graduate this June.

You may be asking yourself..what is your point? About 7 days into INDOC at USMMA, the nurse contacted my wife because DD checked herself into sick call. I told her to avoid sick call as much as she could unless she knew that she was injured (not hurt) and continuing would make whatever symptoms get worse. She went to sick call because her lower legs and feet were very swollen to the point of having difficulty putting her shoes on. This was Summer of 2020 where Covid measures were rampant and masks were required everywhere. It was difficult to pick out DD out in a crowd because of the masks. One picture that we thought was her made us puzzled because the lower legs looked way to swollen.

Anyway, the nurse told my wife why our daughter went to sick call. Long story short, it turns out she was anemic. I don't remember the numbers, but her hemoglobin count was putting her at about a 75%-80% capacity. Whatever iron stores she had were quickly depleted by the additonal PT/stress/lack of sleep/etc. They quickly got her on iron supplements and limited PT and she is good to go. My other DD who was a junior in HS at the time started taking the supplements..just in case..and she is now thriving as a 3-Deg at USAFA.

Upon hearing the news of her anemia, I of course felt guilty for not even considering that possibility. However, upon retrospection, everything with regard to her difficulty running and lack of stamina made sense and her mom and I are so happy that it was discovered and she is doing what she absolutely loves and can't wait to get out to see to travel the world beginning this summer.

I now know that her situation is not all that uncommon to adolescent females. So, to those who have daughters that may have "heavy cycles," and are struggling with some stamina, I highly recommend getting some bloodwork and/or starting iron supplements.

I hope this provides some help to anyone out there with similar conditions.

Good luck.


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