CFA Help


Nov 14, 2022
Hello! I've recently taken my CFA for all the academies, and the following scores passed for all the academies except USMA. My regional coordinator and application technician said the main thing I needed to work on was my pull ups... Anyone have any tips to crank a couple more out? I've been using Stew Smith's method on increasing pull up count and it seems to be working. With the deadline looming, I was wondering if anyone had any more tips I could use.

BB Throw: 62
Shuttle Run: 7.6
Mile Run: 6:48
Push ups: 60
Sit ups: 80
Pull ups: 3
Given that time is short, focus on form and on engaging the back muscles in the proper manner as opposed to the arms. Fully activate and concentrate on your latissimus dorsi muscles. While many muscles become engaged in a pull-up, your lats are the big ones. Many aren't even aware of their lats. With the remaining time frame, that is the best way to bang out just a few more repetitions. And you just need a few more. There are plenty of videos on YT that will show you how to do this. Your other event numbers are good. You can definitely do this. Start now.
Given that time is short, focus on form and on engaging the back muscles in the proper manner as opposed to the arms. Fully activate and concentrate on your latissimus dorsi muscles. While many muscles become engaged in a pull-up, your lats are the big ones. Many aren't even aware of their lats. With the remaining time frame, that is the best way to bang out just a few more repetitions. And you just need a few more. There are plenty of videos on YT that will show you how to do this. Your other event numbers are good. You can definitely do this. Start now.
Thank you!